The Unidor Report: II

Yeah, I know. I’m like a day late. So the fuck what. I told you that I smelled Unidor’s space dust a month ago. And now, just as we all figured, Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt have formally broken up. What can I say, the flying blob in a sombrero does good work. Now say thank you to the man properly.


I think we should all get together and send Unidor a letter, asking him to break up a nice young couple. Who’s Keira Knightley doing right now? I think Unidor oughtta have his space unicorn trample the lucky prick’s nuts.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Keira Knightlyshes doing some irish model at the moment, unidor should be arrive at their doorsteps any minute now…

  2. So…can I have access to the pie forums again since I alerted you to Jen/Brad breakup???PLEASE…. I miss the pie forums… and I was banned for a fluke… -R

  3. MEI am the fucker you speak of, Keira is my babe, and I am one lucky ass guy. Oh wait, dammit, I think I drifted off there for a minute, damn day dreams

  4. Party…Lets setup a **Unidor** Punch-Party sometime…We could all wear Fake paper Hats and wish we had some Women to drool on.

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