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The Final Chapter

Audrey Hepburn

That's right, Ms. Audrey Hepburn was a shoo-in from the start. I know that quite a few of you disagree with this (mainly because the complainers are all uncultured twelve year olds), but trust your buddies at on this one. Audrey Hepburn was the Slice of the Millenium, hands down. Natalie and Heather, while beautiful in their own rights, were nowhere near the lovely Audrey. From her films to her charity work, Ms. Hepburn has proven to be a slice to be proud of, and it is with great honor that we award her "Slice of the Century". Congratulations Audrey, you deserve it. And to the runners up: We still love you.

Until Next Century MoFo's: Enjoy your pie while you can.

-- Sharkey and the rest of the crew.

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