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At the end of this era, the time has come my friends, the time for us to choose the grandest slice of all. The one that has spent the most time plaguing our minds. The most delectable slice of the century, and we will show her to you. We have taken up three categories, which we will use to narrow down the finalists. These categories are as follows:

CATEGORY #1: Old Skool Slice: Slices from before we (most of us, anyways) were born.
CATEGORY #2: Middle Skool Slice: Slices from our most impressionable years.
CATEGORY #3: New Skool Slice: The latest slices that have come to us this past year.

I realize that these categories are a bit unorthodox. But hey, what the fuck site are you reading anyway? I see the words Bad-Ass-MOFO up there. We can do these things, you realize. There's always a lot of bitching when narrowing down awards. Game of the year, Oscars, Porn awards, there's always someone griping. So I devised this system to narrow down the slices in such a fucked up fashion that even the lamest of tards can see its logic. (Ooh, paradoxial...) We've narrowed down the finalists in each category, and these fine slices will battle it out for the grand title "Slice of the Century". Let's look at the candidates, shall we?

And absolutely no bitching, hiz-ho. Period.

First Category: Old Skool Slice

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