The Middle Skool

The Honorable Mentions
As in any contest so near and dear to our hearts, there must be honorable mentions. These Middle Skool canditates did a bang up job throughout the years, but unfortunately did not have the "staying power" of the others. But this is not to say that we don't love them anyway. Here are the honorees, in no particular order.

Salma Hayek

Jennifer Lopez's ass

Now I don't want to hear anyone complaining about these two losing out. Salma is one of my favorite slices of all time as well, but she just doesnt have the appeal and charm that the others have. **Update** Besides, Rosteck demanded that she be the Middle Skool Slice, so she's disqualified >:) **/Update** Now Jennifer's ass is definitely a staple in the American male's TV diet, but it is hampered by one thing: Jennifer Lopez. She thinks she can sing and act, when really the ass does all the work. So until the ass ditches that fading bitch, it wont ever be revered for its real talent.

On to the New Skool Slice -->

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