The New Skool

Ahh, and now we'll delve into the New Skool just a little bit. In this section we're gonna break down the tastiest slices of last year, and match them up head to head to decide who was the Slice of 1999. This was an extremely hard series of choices to make, seeing as how Slices are becoming more and more prevalant than ever. In fact, it seems like we're putting something in the water in order to breed them younger and more often. But of course, your buddies here at BAMF were more than willing to take on the challenge. The results are what you see before you, the final piece of the SOTC puzzle.

Runner Up #2: Shannon Elizabeth
It was extremely hard not to choose Shannon Elizabeth as Slice of 1999, because she did so much for the cinema throughout last year. She brought nudity in major motion pictures back to the big screen, a factor that had almost died out due to heavy influence from femenist (read: militant lesbian) forces. Shannon even went so far as to pose nude in Playboy to right this wicked, wicked wrong that had occured. But alas, it is still too early in Ms. Elizabeth's career to determine whether or not she will have the same "staying power" as some of her colleagues here today do. And it was due to this fact that she was knocked out of first place. But due to her efforts to dissuade Hollywood from it's "no skin" policies of late, we award Shannon Elizabeth with our 2nd Runner up slot.

Image 1 :: Image 2 :: Image 3 :: Image 4

On to the First Runner Up -->

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