A happy 18th goes out to EvilPoda, who has specifically requested that little miss Lindsay Lohan as slice of the day, since she becomes legal tomorrow. Your wish is granted chief, along with some fresh pics for your enjoyment.
A quick scan of IMDB shows a bunch of Disneyesque flicks in Ms. Lohan’s future, so it doesn’t look like she’ll go the naughty route like Anne Hathaway, but who knows. Herbie The Love Bug could have a topless scene or two.
…IT COULD HAPPEN. Fucking pessimists.
Does Whatever A Spider Can
by Sharkey on @ 1:26 pm
Alright, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Spider-Man 2. Now, I went and saw the midnight showing of it the other night, because I was pretty excited to see it. And now that I’ve experienced the film, and read all of the raving reviews for it, I have to pose this question:
Did I see a different movie than the rest of you?
Don’t get me wrong, the flick was alright, but man did a lot of the dialogue drag. And the acting was sub-par a lot of the time, and goddammit, why is machinery evil just for evil’s sake? Not to mention that every time Mary Jane and Peter started talking, I felt embarassed for them. Embarassed, then annoyed at the five minute long conversations about nothing.
Now, I am trying to go see the flick again, because I want to like it. I was in a very bad mood, and really out of it the other night, so perhaps I wasn’t in a very Spidey place. In the spirit of good will, I’m going to pretend I didn’t see this flick. I’m going to grab a large coke and some sour Skittles® and watch this motherfucker one more time. And dammit, it better not seem like Spidey is swinging to nothing out in the middle of the ocean at the end again, or I’m going to get really pissed.
The Future Is Not Set, Bitch!
by Sharkey on @ 1:13 pm
Just to prove Moogleofdoom wrong, this post will be about uh… that Harry Potter chick. Yeah, that’s it. After tomorrow, Lindsay Lohan won’t be our resident forbidden slice. Gotta look towards the future and whatnot.
DotComs I Wish Were As Dead As Sonny Bono
by Sharkey on @ 1:22 am
Do you mean to tell me that after nearly half a fucking decade of constant self-whoring, these two buttfucking faggots are still online? I say buttfucking faggots with no shame either, as I have complete tolerance for actual gay folk. I reserve the word faggot with the kind of third grade excellence for which it was intended. Faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots, I say. I first brought them to your interweb doorstep four years ago, and they’re still trying to get people to fund their college education. Ridiculous. If I’m helping to fund their quest for higher learning (which I’m not), they better Doogie Howser the shit out of that school and produce a Masters by their third year. You’re twelve months behind, you cocksuckers. Not to mention the fact that you’ve learned nothing in college, or so it would seem based upon your lackluster “tips” section for underfunded youths. Here’s a big tip from someone who didn’t whore himself out for a degree: fuck chicks with a trust fund, they’ll buy your beer. See, already I’m way ahead of your shitty list, and I’m only at one (admittedly long) paragraph!
I love rehashing pre-dotcom-crash stuff like this. It’s exceptionally depressing, and oddly liberating all at the same time. Especially when you’ve got a little drink in ya.
Slice Of The Day: Denise Richards
by Sharkey on June 30, 2004 @ 2:21 pm
It’s always lovely to hear about a celebrity getting ready to pose for a skin mag, so bask in this lovely day with me. Seems that Denise Richards is going to grace the cover of December’s Playboy, probably following Charisma Carpenter’s lead. I say this only because she will apparently have the same level of control over the nudity factor that Charisma did, which means that the pictures will be “tasteful”. Damn tasteful, damn it straight to Hell.
I like how all of the reports regarding this subject have specifically stated how supportive Denise’s husband, Charlie Sheen, is of her decision. It’s funny, because it would take some serious balls on that motherfucker to question her for showing some skin in a magazine that’s showcased at least a couple dozen of his former fuck buddies.
San DiegOwned!
by Sharkey on @ 11:00 am
[ Total Fucking Chaos On The Streets Of San Diego ] – stolen straight from the forums, but with good reason. If you haven’t seen this already, you need to see it. Now.
*Update* – Another auto-tragedy yields comedy.
She’s My Nasal Spray Tigress
by Sharkey on June 29, 2004 @ 1:38 pm
[ Drug Makes Female Rats Go Cock Crazy ] – apparently scientists are utilizing this drug in a nasal spray form to get the same effect from women.
The female rats flirted more when injected with the drug and Pfaus and his colleagues said: “Females treated with the highest dose of PT-141 also attempted to mount the males.” In rats, this is considered a sign of sexual impatience.
While getting randomly mounted by a fine lady sounds pretty good to me, I still doubt this thing’s effectiveness. The main problem with getting a chick’s juices flowing is whether or not she wants to get in the mood. I can imagine after a few months or so of no sexual energy, a chick with a sexual dysfunction will take the initiative and cram that sucker up her nose. That, or perhaps her poor crying undersexed idiot of a fella can nag her into it.
I think it all boils down to women being like a car. You can get some sort of super-fuel that revs their engine and gets those pistons firing, but some shmuck still has to turn the key.
Squeeze, Squeeze, Squeeze Your Way To Tightness!
by Sharkey on @ 11:54 am
[ Gyneflex.com ] – Hello ladies. Have urinary incontinence? Vaginal stretching after giving birth? Perhaps you’re just a little loose, little miss popular? Well not any more, baby.
The more your Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) are strengthened, the more you and your partner can experience the joys of sex together. The GyneFlexTM Vaginal Tightening Program can give you a more powerful grip, better control and the results benefit both partners. By squeezing your PFM against GyneFlex’s flex resistance, you not only re-educate your neuro-muscular wiring and gain control of vaginal contractions; you also stimulate muscle development. The clenching-releasing vaginal exercises against resistance can lead to amazing strength and endurance.
“Me and my husband noticed a difference after only using it for 2 days.” – Vanessa
Do you kind of feel cheated by the whole sex thing in general? They didn’t tell us about shit like this when we were thirteen, fellas. Back then it was basically two things: don’t get a disease and try not to knock her up. They didn’t mention stuff like PMS, menstral cramps, or vaginal weakening. Don’t get me wrong, these things don’t particularly bother me now, but a heads up would have been nice. Then again, I went to a Christian school where they told me you could catch AIDS by holding hands with an infected homosexual, so you can see how it took a little character to come out (somewhat) normal.
BTW, does anyone else get a chuckle out of the fact that they’re essentially selling a $40 plastic coat hanger in the shape of a wang?
Slice Of The Day: Katherine Heigl
by Sharkey on @ 2:20 am
You know who needs a better fucking agent? Katherine Heigl, that’s who. I was just discussing her with Billy Ray and Bolt over the weekend, and I remembered back to a day when she was probably 14 or 15 and I just knew she was going to grow up to be a smoking hottie. And I was right. Goddammit I was right. But look at her career post-“Roswell”. You know where it is? I’m going to give you a hint: it stinks like ass, is pale white, and it eats shit for a living. And no, it’s not Fiona Apple.
She’s going to be in the made-for-TV sequel to Romy & Michelle’s High School Reunion. Tell me she doesn’t need a new agent, and keep a straight face. You’d have to be a cremated corpse to lie like that, you bastard.
The G(Mail) Spot
by Sharkey on June 28, 2004 @ 2:53 pm
[ Gmail Tips ] – if you’re one of the billions of people that seem to be getting in on the greatness of Gmail, this should help you out a bit.