Nacho Nacho Maaaan! I Want To Be… A Nacho Man!

by on July 20, 2004 @ 2:17 pm

Bolt and Longtime sent this to me at the same time, so I have decided like wise King Solomon to slice the credit in two, so that they might share it equally.

…no objections? Well, I guess the credit never truly belonged to either of you.

And now on to the main event.

MARYVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – A man was arrested on his 23rd birthday after a police officer saw him nude and covered with nacho cheese from a pool snack bar.

An officer saw a nude man carrying a box of Frito Lay snacks and a container of nacho cheese run toward a Jeep in the lot and stopped him.

“The male had nacho cheese in his hair, on his face and on his shoulders,” Maryville Police Department officer Scott Spicer reported. “The nude male had a strong odor of alcohol and was semi-incoherent.”

This story is damn near perfect. The only thing that could have possibly made it better would be the addition of an “It’s Na-Cho Cheese!” joke. …maybe throw in a couple of titties.

I wish my 23rd birthday had been nearly that cool. All I wanted was to wrassle naked in some pudding, but noooo. My ex had to have “intimacy” issues. As in, issues with getting pudding in intimate places.


Slap On The Wrist For A Knife To The Junk?

by on July 19, 2004 @ 11:28 am

Longtime just sent me a story which… really just defies all common sense. And it made my business hurt a little bit just reading about it.

A Romanian surgeon who underwent a fit of madness while operating on a man’s testicles proceeded to amputate his penis and cut it into three pieces.

Doctor Ciomu had been banned from entering an operating theatre for two months pending the results of an investigation by the medical council, Oprescu said.

Meanwhile the wife of the unfortunate patient said she was suing Dr. Ciomu.

I sincerely hope that the two month suspension is just procedural nonsense on the road to getting this man committed, or thrown in jail, or anything fitting the crime of mutilating another man’s reason to live.

I like that the wife is doing all of the suing, btw. Its almost as if she’s saying “God dammit, I needed that! Where the Hell am I gonna find another one?” Meanwhile her poor husband’s still got his balls (as much as a married man can) but no conduit. I smell serious litigation, a quick divorce, serious alimony settlements, and a noose in his future.

Not Tortilla Chips, Apparently

by on @ 11:19 am

Wait a minute… Mexico has computers?

Mexico’s attorney general said on Monday he had had a microchip inserted under the skin of one of his arms to give him access to a new crime database and also enable him to be traced if he is ever abducted.

Attorney General Rafael Macedo said a number of his staff had also been fitted with chips that will give them exclusive and secure access to a national, computerized database for crime investigators that went live on Monday.

“It’s an area of high security, it’s necessary that we have access to this, through a chip, which what’s more is unremovable,” Macedo told reporters.

Now that we’ve got the obligatory “Jay Leno” joke out of the way, I’d like to point out this fellow’s usage of the word “unremovable.” Other than his poor sentence structure, this is quite a lie. See, now that he’s told kidnappers (or at least, kidnappers who can read) that the chip is in his arms, you pretty much have to lop his arms off. I mean, they were probably going to chop off his little finger as a message anyway, this just ups the ante a little bit.

Sixteen In The Clip And One In The Hole…

by on @ 9:47 am

Will I be allowed to put playing cards in the spokes? Because if not, I won't fucking buy it.Games games games. They do so make me happy. And I’m quite pleased with the latest GTA: San Andreas screenshots, especially since they show the Eazy-E looking motherfucker in the back seat. And now that they’re touting the game to be about 150 hours to full completion, it’s beginning to sound a lot like a happy birthday for me this October.

I have been wondering about one thing though. With the current gangsta theme of the game (a slight departure from the Goodfellas theme of the previous two) I ponder how a bunch of crackers like the Rockstar team can churn out a game like this without stirring up ten times the hornets nest that GTA:VC did. We had Italians coming out in droves in protest over that game, but who the fuck ever cared if Italians were discriminated against? I would imagine that Rockstar had to hire on some “urban consultants” to help in the pimpification of this game. Has there been any word on the soundtrack for this game yet? If they took a note from the success of Vice City and did a full on 90’s gangsta rap compilation, I think it’d sell many more copies than… I dunno, whatever the fuck rap music sounds like these days.


by on July 18, 2004 @ 1:10 pm

Is it just me, or does Travis from Piebald look like the autistic guy from American Splendor in the band’s new video for “Haven’t Tried It”?

Sorry I haven’t posted anything in over a month. I got engaged and I’m quitting drinking and frankly, it’s made me a miserable person to be around. The quitting drinking… not the enagagement.

More musical inanity will be forthcoming regularly from now on. Promise.

I Hope Orange Is Her Fall Color

by on July 16, 2004 @ 11:38 am

So I guess it’s official, Martha Stewart is going to serve five months in prison for her part in the ImClone debacle. Now the question on everyone’s mind is whether or not she’ll parlay this into a book describing her experiences in the pokey, as well as a cell-decorating guide.

Martha Stewart was sentenced to five months in prison and fined $30,000 Friday for lying to investigators about her sale of ImClone Systems stock in late 2001.

Federal Judge Miriam Cedarbaum also ordered Stewart to five months of home confinement and two years of supervised probation after she is released. It was the minimum sentence the judge could impose under federal sentencing guidelines.

“I’ll be back,” Stewart declared.

She also appealed to people to subscribe to her magazine and buy her products.

While I empathize with the fact that she’s been made an example of, this is pretty much just a slap on the wrist. She was looking at 3 years, and got five months. The judge took it easy on her because of her public disgrace, and the damage that has been done to her business. But considering that this is Martha Stewart, I highly doubt that she’ll stay down for long. She’ll probably come out of her five months all ripped from pumping iron, and beat her competition with her fists of decadent fury.

Then comes her next book: Martha Stewart’s Home Confinement Living.

Star Trek Dorks Commence Drooling

by on @ 12:30 am

So Tink took that last post to heart and sent me a voice mail from Hilary. I hung up on it. I told him that sending me a voice mail message from Hilary Duff means that he is no longer a heterosexual. He’s now watching David Hasselhoff videos to help him on his journey away from liking the opposite sex.

Alright, the Star Trek Droolfest is something that Jen sent to me and I felt funny enough to pass along to you. I’m trying to think of more things to link here, and I’m at a loss. I thought about that Ninj0r page because of the discussion about the Deadly Ninja Throwing Heart, but I think I’m sick of doing html now so this is it.

My Liver Hurts, My Mouth Drools

by on July 14, 2004 @ 4:18 pm

OMG. Must. Have. This.

A product that promises to get people drunk 10 times faster without the punishment of a hangover or calories has been banned by the NSW government.

Promoted as the “ultimate party toy”, alcoholic vapour has been a huge hit in London. Once inhaled, the alcohol goes straight into the bloodstream and delivers a “hit”.

“These kind of fad products pose serious threats to the community,” Mr McBride said in a statement.

“Inhalation or snorting of alcohol is basically synonymous with drug use and that kind of practice should not be encouraged.”

FAD? … FAD?!? I’d use this thing more often than my toaster, blender, and shower put together! This stupid bastard has no idea what he’s talking about. If I could breathe liquor, I’d be like Aquaman, only far less gay. And really stinking drunk. And I wouldn’t be able to talk to fish I guess, but I’d probably think that I could, that counts for something, right?

Somebody get me the company’s phone number and a price tag. Poppa’s going shopping.

Nothin’ Like A Nice Dump N’ Smoke

by on @ 2:47 pm

It’s sad to have to admit this on hump day. But apparently stupidity, like your mother’s herpes, will be with us forever. And today (or yesterday, to be more accurate) it manifested itself inside an outhouse. Walk with me.

A man is recovering from burns after lighting a cigarette in a portable outhouse in Monongalia County, West Virginia, causing the outhouse to explode.

The incident occurred Tuesday morning in Blacksville, West Virginia.

The man’s name and condition aren’t being released, but emergency officials say he wasn’t severely hurt and even drove himself to a clinic.

OK. It’s obvious we’re going to have to do something about our educational system, because if the tide of stupidity is left undeterred, it will wash our nation with its sticky, venomous spittle. I would not be surprised in the least if this moron decided to sue the makers of the outhouse for not providing proper ventilation. Or a no-smoking sign.

I like that they include the bit about how the methane “didn’t take too kindly” to the cigarette. *gasps* NO. This is one situation where putting two and two together is simple enough for a toddler. You don’t leave a ham sandwich (or a baby sandwich for that matter) on Harry Knowles’ desk, leave for five minutes, and then scratch your head when you find it missing.