Your Employer Will Appreciate The Break I’m Giving You

Pandemic 2 (courtesy of Bongy)

Damn you Madagascar and your 19.4 million survivors, damn you to Hell!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I love how ships will get caught out at see when everyone closes their shipyards. I’m thinking unless you start on Madagascar or Cuba then those bastards are gonna survive.

  2. Cool game!
    I managed to exterminate mankind a couple time, but the only way I could manage it is by keeping a low profile at the beginning with contagious fever until everyone is infected.
    And that’s not good for you overall score at the end.
    Also I never saw “Riot”.

  3. It basically cheats.

    I’ve done it on parasite mode and virus mode. everyone infected, both times Madagascar shuts its ports faster than a virgin at a church camp at first sign of infection.

    with parasite : keep everything low kep. buy 2nd level symptoms, and use cysts.. they’re super contageous and not visible.

  4. oh yeah, cranking up the moisture and heat first don’t seem to spread it any faster to the harder to infect islands (madas, cuba, new z, aus, indo, etc.)

  5. okay, it is possible, with both a virus and a parasite starting from elsehwere than madagas, BUT both times the timing is very lucky.. if you have a disease that is TOO asymptomatic, then madasgascar shuts it’s ports quickly. It’s still pretty much a crap shoot, but lay semi-low until madagas, cuba, new z and greenland are infected, then ramp up your anti-drug and make it super contagious. once every country is infected, then just pick a 3rd or 4th level symptom.

    stupid cheating game though.. they need to make it so places re-open their borders and madagascar doesn’t become the lynchpin

  6. I beat it a few times. Here’s how i *THINK* it works, in the country you start, that is probably where you will infect the fastest, once they freak out, the world freaks out. One of the times, I started in cuba, you don’t turn on any resistance, that makes the world freak out. You then turn on the major stuff that will spread it, sneezing, coughing, whatever. Once you infect a good chunk of that country (5-10% or until it spreads to a couple others) turn all symptoms off. In this case, cuba, is pretty well infected, but as long as it’s not too resistant, and the symptoms go away, they won’t shut down anything, even if they get to 100% infection, if you time it right.

    Then it has a pretty good base to spread, you just wait until it slowly infects every other country, and they will only have 10-100 people in each. Once it’s in every single country in the world (check the world screen), then you can crank up the infectivity and visibility. And as soon as they start producing a vaccine, get as much drug resistance as possible. Once just about everyone in the world is infected, or soon will be, start making it deadly. If it’s too deadly, you’ll kill everyone who has it before you infect everyone, so just keep that in mind. It’s a fun game, but timing is everything.

    The trick is to not add any resistance until the point of origin has enough infected people to be self-sustaining, but not too many, if you go over ~50% of a country’s population, and it got there by being resistant, or water/air borne, then they freak out, causing the world to close down. It’s just a matter of infecting a good base, but not alarming the world.

    Also, if you are bored, try CheatEngine 5.4 (which is a lot of fun). Start it, attach it to the FF process… Since you start with four evolution points, do an exact value search for a values of 32 (4*8), then the second your evo points climbs, do a next scan for exact value of that score * 8. You should be left with the memory address for evo points, which you can set to 4096 and freeze in place, giving you 512 evo points to spend. I’d give you an address, but it jumps around, there’s some interesting stuff you can do with CE 5.4, but you don’t need it to beat this game, just makes it easier.

    Sorry for the long comment, I kind of thought the game wasn’t winnable after losing like 50 times… lol.

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