Your Chance To Humiliate Me

[ Sharkey’s Speech Project Contest ] — If you’ve been wanting full access to the forum and a custom title, nows your chance to win one, and choose what I have to say for two minutes in my speech class tomorrow. It’s a win-win situation.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. SpiderHey, how about the new movie Spider (reviewed as one of the best movies ever), which opens today, is only being shown in LA and New York. You can talk about how this is a result of the lack of interest in art-house film, primarily because of the perception that it is filmed in low quality 16 mm and has poor audio/acting/directing/writing qualities. It’s a sad state when good film goes unappreciated because of a production companies desire to make money, forcing limited release for fear that a wide release will be costly.Or… I could just be bitter that it’s not being shown in Denver. Thus, ignore the hell out of me.

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