You’d Think Millions Of Dollars Could Buy A Clue…

I believe I can fly! And by fly, I mean fuck underage girls and leave evidence lying around and get off scot free!Faaq just sent me an interesting link. Seems that our old friend R. Kelly has gone ahead and got himself arrested for possession of child pornography, starring himself. …AGAIN.

During the search, police found 12 digital images depicting sexual activity by a female who was under 18 years of age, according to a Polk County police spokesman.

“Three of the 12 photos depicted Mr. Kelly engaged in sexual activity,” said Col. Grady Judd.

Kelly, a Grammy award-winning artist, has been out on bond and awaiting trial on 21 counts of child pornography in Chicago. Those charges stem from a videotape authorities say shows him having sex with a 13-year-old girl. Kelly, 36, has denied that charge.

Kelly also has been the focus of at least four lawsuits. Three of the lawsuits accuse him of having sex with underage girls. Two of those three have been settled, but Kelly’s lawyers have said they will fight the third.

Pardon me, four lawsuits concerning sex with underage girls? This guy’s banged more underage tail than most of you will ever see legitimately. You’d think he’d get the hint that not only wangifying an underager, but videotaping those acts, is kind of a retarded maneuver. I guess you don’t need common sense when you’ve got a good lawyer though. He’s just taking a cue from OJ there. Honestly though, at what point do you stop and think to yourself, “Hmm… I’ve payed out a fortune in settlements. Maybe it’s time I stopped fucking 13-year-olds. Or maybe it’s just time I stopped taping it…” Perhaps somebody oughtta send R. Kelly the link to that that Klfjoat seemed to enjoy so much. After he posts bail, that is.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Umm, just one question…\”This guy’s banged more underage tail than most of you will ever see legitimately.\” Pardon me Sharkey, but how in the fuck do you know how much your readers are getting laid? Are you a psychic? Do you have the ability of remote viewing? You speak for us with impunity, when in truth, you don’t know a good Goddamn what you’re talking about. Speak for yourself Mr. Cleo.

  2. Just one answerSince when is anything I say around here taken seriously, Mr. Sensetive? Apparently you’re one of the guys that falls into the demographic I spoke of previously.

  3. (no subject)There’s no way that anyone on this site is getting laid as much as Mr. pedophile. Yes, I realize he’s talking about underage chics, but still.

  4. Re: PMac1No shit, even I’ve never claimed to be getting as much as R. Kelly. I figure once you make your first gold record, there’s really no reason not to at least get your wang mouthified on any given Tuesday night.

  5. Welcome to the Wayback MachineDoes anyone else remember that he was the one who \”discovered\” Aliyah? They were rumoured to have a littel sumpin-sumpin goin’ on.

  6. yeahThey were married, but Aliyaah’s family had issues with it so they got divorced, or some shit like that. Once a pedophile always a pedophile.

  7. Rockerdon\”He’s just mad because it’s probably true.- um, that’s about it.\” Rockerdon, don’t take what I said out of context. I was in no way \”mad\”, as you so eloquently put it, I was simply asking a question and stating that I don’t wish to be spoken for. Oh yeah, and, \”um, that’s about it.\”P.S. It’s sensitive Sharkey, not sensetive. Just for reference.

  8. Sensetive, Sensitive…Calling a drunkened man’s spelling into question in order to seem superior is a pointless act of desperation. And by desperation, I mean sex-starvation.

  9. To laugh or not to laugh…At BAMF that’s not a question. Again Sharkey you seem to think that you can speak for others regarding their sex lives. Aren’t you married? If I’m not mistaken, doesn’t that mean, statistically speaking, that you are probably one of the most sex-starved individuals on the planet? And another thing, why must you constantly make note of the fact that you were drunk, are drunk, or are going to get drunk? Is that you’re hackneyed attempt at an excuse that will cover any and all mistakes? Just a few things I’m curious about.

  10. Marriage and boozeNot married, always drunk. The reason I state that I am drunk constantly, is because I am constantly drunk. And those constantly drunk always enjoy letting everyone in the room know just how fucking shit-faced drunk they are. BTW, I speak of reader-sex lives based on simple statistics. I’ve met enough of you to know that based on simple mathematical calculation, most of you are giving yourself the five finger discount version of prostitution.

  11. Mistakes and QuestionsMy mistake, so you’re not married. Thank you for correcting me. However, curiosity is still getting the better of me. Do you compile statistics on your reader’s sex lives? How is it you know how much sex people are having, or not having, by simply meeting them and crunching a few numbers, if they even exist? Have those readers you have met explicitly told you how much intercourse they are having? Furthermore, how is it that by meeting a few of your readers, you somehow know the sexual exploits of your entire audience? Again, just a few things I’m curious about.As for you being drunk constantly, I don’t know whether to laugh at you, pity you, or consider you one of the socially decaying masses that are contributing to our country’s becoming an abyss of mediocrity.

  12. ShushI’m only gettin laid once every two months. Sharkey is right. Quit arguing, Large. Nobody likes a whiny bastard.

  13. auralmirageSorry about the lack of sex pal. Though, you can get off Sharkey’s nut sack right about now. No argument here, me and Sharkey are just \”commenting\”, hence the name of this section of the site. And, since when is one who asks questions and seeks discussion, \”a whiny bastard\”?Oh, wait, I almost forgot: Nobody likes me? Nobody likes a kiss-ass. Don’t try and speak for everybody asshat. You meant that you don’t like me. Oh no! What’ll I do? Wait, wait, it’s coming to me… Fuck You. There it is. Do I give a flying fuckstick if you don’t like me? Not in the slightest. Try that on for size junior.

  14. My Nut SackOn the contrary, I like you just fine. I’m just saying that I speak in generalizations all the time on the site, I dont see why poking fun at the more-than-obvious nerd base that makes up BAMFs readership is any different than making fun of the French’s widely-known ass-stink. I’ve been to France and experienced it, although I know from experience that they do have showers, and in the hotel where I stayed, residue of shower scum. Therefore, some of them MUST wash. I have also met quite a few readers, therefore I can generalize and poke fun at their more than obvious lack of \”gettin’ the nook-nook\”. This is because quite a few were fat, stinky nerds. I suggested France as safe refuge for them, as their scent would be more acceptable in such an environment. Generalization is fun. Also, just so you know, many many people love an ass-kisser. Contrary to popular belief, it is ass-kissing, not hard work, which is the cornerstone of the American workplace. Working your way up the corporate ladder is just another way of saying \”licking ass on your way to the top\”. Also, there is nothing wrong with being a big fucking drunk, so long as you are a productive member of society. Look at Bill Hicks and the Kennedys. Well, maybe not the Kennedys.

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