You Work At KB Toys, Dont’cha? Of Course You Do…

*Ahem*… not that I want to encourage anyone’s dishonesty around here, nor would I like to see them bend the rules to get free swag out of a major corporation. So I won’t encourage it.

On the other hand, I won’t stop you either.

I’m not going to say that I had anything to do with this, however I have it on good authority that a close friend of mine checked his shipping status this morning, which said that a package had made it’s way to his front door at 9AM. Curious, he went to the door and found two pieces of XBOX bounty waiting for him. Do with that information what you will.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. YeahA XBOX rep came in and told me to go to a retail training site and I could get free stuff. But to get enough points to get free crap takes too much time. It’s easy though, they basically give you the answer, and you can go back at any time to read them. I’m just too lazy to capitalize on this opportunity.

  2. SlimboyDodgeviper is right Slim, you are pretty goddamn lazy. The whole thing would take you 20 minutes, had you not been too lazy to read the damned thread.

  3. thread=wrongHey, I’ve been in the site and yeah while it takes 20 minutes to answer a survey, a single survey does not give you enough points for a free halo game. Nor does 10 surveys. I filled out quite few the first day I knew about this. I wanted a t-shirt, since I already own halo, but it takes fucking forever just to accumulate enough points to get a shirt.

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