You Know Dave Shit Himself Before They Got Him?

It’s Friday kids, and you know what that means. Time for some ethnic slurs and hot chocolate! And “hot chocolate” was not racially biased, you sick sonuvabitch. Now onto the mail:

From: karupt
Subject: the greeks at my school are a bunch of fucking idiots

sharkey i thought you would get a kick out of this from the potential explosion that is expected to happen. main page…but the story is here—>

i go to school here, unfortunately. not only cause of this. i just never have liked the school. and i really have never liked the greeks. anyways i thought id drop this of to you incase you needed somethin for the front page. i know how hard it can be to find stuff. anyways the buzz around campus is that all the news outlets in the state are being notified and there is expeced to be a big “racial” problem around campus. you know people sayin this others saying that..etc. maybe some protests. ill keep you up to date if you care. if you dont want to use it im sure it will wind up in the forums anyways.


In case you’re wondering and are too lazy to click today, the link tells a tale of a college frat party in which certain members dressed as Klan members, complete with a blackfaced frat brother to “lynch”. The party was themed “Come As You Are”, which must mean that the blackfaced fellow feels oppressed by whitey and has a pencheant for watermelon. That, or he’s just a complete fucking racist idiot. Whichever you prefer. The pictures are really the gold of this article, and you can get to them by clickin on Zeke, Cleetus, and Ray Ray below:

Why do we allow the South to exist?

Special Disclaimer: No staff members of are known racists, nor is there any harmful intent with my clever Photoshopping of the preceeding image. The only person remotely racist in relation to this site is Tracer Bullet, who is constantly telling me that “crackaz” are “no dick mu’fukkas”. However, he does tell me that getting “wang mouthification” from the “white bitches” makes him feel like he’s donkey punching the President’s wife. Take from that what you will…

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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