Yngwie And The Gallaghers Should Hook Up

The term “comedy gold” gets thrown around a lot these days, but every once in awhile we get something that can truly brighten a person’s day. And no, I’m not talking about naked pictures of Natalie Portman, I’m more referring to the subtle side of humor. Like a crabby aging rocker threatening to kill a woman (1.6MB mp3) on a flight to Tokyo. (Thanks to KirkAngel in the forum for the link, and blabbermouth.net for the news I’m about to swipe)

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN threatened to kill a fellow passenger on a flight to Tokyo, Japan after the woman poured a glassful of water on the guitarist.

The passenger, who had no prior contact with Yngwie, allegedly overheard Malmsteen making derogatory comments about homosexuals and decided to show her disapproval by emptying the contents of her glass on the hefty axeman.

A member of Yngwie’s touring entourage, who was traveling with Malmsteen at the time, had a tape recorder running and managed to catch Yngwie’s reaction on tape immediately after the guitarist was “assaulted” by the offended passenger.

Just in case you (like myself) had no fucking clue who this decrepit-yet-revered rock crybaby is, let me give you a glimpse into the FOCKIN FURY that is Yngwie Malmsteen!


She wants a war, we’ll give ‘er a fockin’ war!

Thank you Internet, there may be hope for you yet…

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. DouchebagA friend of mine’s band opened for Yngwie at a club here once. He said Malmsteen was a total fucking tool with a \”rock god\” complex, so this little news item does not surprise me at all.

  2. stuck recordThat sound clip could be cut to about a minute because he says the same things about 4 times – sure sign of an idiot: finds a phrase and repeats ad infintum. My personal is the Bruce Lee sounds followed by ‘realease the fockin fury’. Laugh? I almost pissed myself.

  3. BWWAAAAHAHAHA!!This guy was a fucking jerkoff in 1985 and he’s an aged jerkoff now. Nice to know some things don’t change. Apparently like his hairstyle and his wardrobe. She should have challenged him to a sissy fight or something.

  4. fooking tub.Yngwie has apparently gained a hellifiedly large ammount of weight in recent years. He’s even released a new blight of an album that’s making waves in japan. Sounds like assmalt to me…and I even like his guitar playing.

  5. Yngwie Malmsteen\”release the focking fury\” what kind of asshat says something that gay. seriously. picture that you’re sitting in a plane and a lady throws a glass of water on you. You’re choice of reply’s to this situation are: 1. What the FUCK do you think you’re doing? (i would think this would be a typical response)2. you FUCKING loose-twated cum-guzzling crackwhore. (what I would say)or3. \”release the focking fury\” (?) but really what do you expect from a guy with a name like \”Yngwie\”.. how the FUCK do you even pronounce that?

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