Yes, They Used It To Sell Penis Pills

That new federal anti-spam law has claimed a couple of its first victims, and it looks like this one will sting a bit.

Prosecutors said Jason Smathers, 24, stole 92 million AOL screen names while working at AOL offices in Dulles, Va., and sold the list to a Las Vegas man, Sean Dunaway. Dunaway used it to send gambling ads and then sold it to spammers, a criminal complaint said.

Smathers was to appear in court in Virginia. No lawyer for him could be located. Each man could face up to five years in prison and at least $250,000 in fines if convicted.

Smathers was not authorized to have access to the screen name list, which is kept in Dulles, but used another employee’s access code last year to steal it, prosecutors said. AOL fired Smathers on Wednesday.

So he was still working there while he was off selling the list for 100K. Then a week later he’s jobless, and possibly looking at five years and a quarter of a million dollar fine. Not bad for a 21-year old.

He’ll be OK though. I hear you get mad street cred in the pen for being a computer geek. Especially one who helps you get Viagra SPAM.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. I’ll quote one of my fellow Farkers…\”Anyone that has an E-Mail account that ends in \”\” deserves to get spammed.\”

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