*Yawn* Another day, another boring rock star protests

Man, it is getting hard to find ways to get your name in the news before you launch an album or a major tour. Hell, 20 years ago all you had to do was bite the head off a chicken, or make up some funny meaning for your band name that involves SATAN or something equally absurd, and POW, congressional hearing.

Unfortunately, times have changed, and not for the better. Marilyn had to grow tits, Eminem had to bring his own mother into it, and these guys think a little boo hooing on stage is going to get it for them? Pathetic.

Dozens walked out of Pearl Jam’s U.S. tour opener after lead singer Eddie Vedder took a mask of President Bush and impaled it on a microphone stand. [Story]

Hell, according to the article, the DIXIE CHICKS did basically the same thing without a mask last week, they could have at least done something original, such as bringing a BATTLE ROBOT on stage to impale the mask then shoot FIREBEAMS into the audience. Plus, when the hell is Vedder going to learn that all we want to know is when we can expect the next Ten.

“It was like he decapitated someone in a primal ritual and stuck their head on a stick,” said attendee Keith Zimmerman.

On second though, that part might have been pretty cool. Either way, I guess I now know about the tour so I can be sure to not go see it.

Categorized as News


  1. What did you expect?This is the band that didn’t tour for years because they were protesting ticketmaster. Of course they’re going to say something about it, and of course it will probably be against the government.

  2. Eddie Bed WetterIt must be difficult to carry the burden that Vedder does. So much pain, so many causes, so few people that actually give a flying fuck what that self important, bleeding heart fucknut has to say. Got news fo you Eddie, it isn’t ’92 any more. Get over yourself, prick.

  3. Eddie Bed WetterMan, This sucks. I’m truly torn between my love for Pearl Jam’s early music, and my utter wishing that he would just shut the FUCK UP. I was with him on the Ticketmaster deal, but Goddamn. I’d definitely consider myself a fan, but I can’t agree with all his fucking opinions. I wish I had the Rock star life where I didn’t have a 9 to 5, and I could be as \”educated\” and \”enlightened\” as these rock stars and actors. I think I’d find something better to do with my time, and money.

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