Xenu Has You, Junkie Bitches!

And I was just having a conversation with Raygun about how DARE programs and the like seem to churn out a suspicious amount of drug addicts. It turns out that Narconon (heavily backed by poppa L. Ron’s “church”) has been spewing Scientology rhetoric to schoolchilden in some lovingly sneaky ways. Dig:

A popular anti-drug program provided free to schools in San Francisco and elsewhere teaches concepts straight out of the Church of Scientology, including medical theories that some addiction experts described as “irresponsible” and “pseudoscience.”

Narconon’s anti-drug instruction rests on these key church concepts: that the body stores all kinds of toxins indefinitely in fat, where they wreak havoc on the mind until “sweated” out. Those ideas are rejected by the five medical experts contacted by The Chronicle, who say there is no evidence to support them.

“Narconon, to me, is Scientology,” said Lee Saltz, a drug counselor with the Los Angeles school district, where Narconon has made classroom presentations for many years. “We don’t use their curriculum because it’s not grounded in science. But they bypass our office and go directly to the schools. They’re very persistent.”

I think most of you already know my history with those Scientology folk, so you can feel my slight satisfaction when the rest of the world raises an eyebrow towards their sinister efforts.

Making up science is not OK kids. If it didn’t benefit us with the whole “semen is 100% protein” coupled with the Atkins craze, it’s not going to help us with drug addiction. Unless your science involves taking a “Science Bat” to their skull so that you can help them sweat out those evil “fat toxins”. And maybe knock out a few “brain toxins” while you’re at it.

Personally, I think the Malthion X Solution will easily cross over into junkie territory. Soak those fuckers in liquid birth control and let them do their business. As long as they don’t litter my planet with their idiot seed, they can do as they like.

Man, two self-serving link references in one article. I wish I had something to make fun of the Canucks, then this would be a really well-rounded post.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. You don’tTampa Bay had more canadian players than Calgary did ya ‘tard. Calgary sucks anyway.

  2. Compelling idea….\”Personally, I think the Malthion X Solution will easily cross over into junkie territory. Soak those fuckers in liquid birth control and let them do their business. As long as they don’t litter my planet with their idiot seed, they can do as they like.\”Throw in alcoholics and Cubans and you’ve got the perfect sterility program. Maybe the French, too.

  3. Screw youThe lightning had 1 more Canadian player…who gives a shit? Flames are actually IN Canada and we did pretty damn good.Whoops, just read the first comment. Hmmm…Whatever, Flames rock.

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