I’m going to ignore the earlier stupidity (see the last post, then the post before it, then the comments of the last post, then laugh) and go right to a different source of stupidity.

ALBANY, Ga. – A year after holding their first integrated prom, some students at Taylor County High School have decided to again hold a separate, private party for whites only.

Juniors are in charge of planning the prom each year and last year they decided to have just one dance the first integrated prom in 31 years in the rural Georgia county 150 miles south of Atlanta.

Until then, parents and students organized separate proms for whites and blacks after school officials stopped sponsoring dances, in part because they wanted to avoid problems arising from interracial dating.

For those of you whose mouths are agape in shock, lemme clue you in on a little secret: in the deep south, they ain’t too fond o’ the nigras. Seriously, it’s like driving through an episode of Roots on some streets in Georgia/Alabama. Further proof that the Malthion X Solution is a necessity.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. similar to SPINspin magazine had a similar article last month. but you gotta wonder if theyll play rap at the whites only prom?

  2. k……………Having lived in both the north and south, I can offer this observation:White folks in the north love black people as a race, but hate them as individuals.White people in the south love black people individually but hate them as a race.

  3. InterestingThat’s an interesting Observation you bring up Gordon… I’m gonna have to stew over that one for a while. Never living in the north, however, I can only really recognize half of your statement. *shrug* Oh well.

  4. Gordon …That’s just because up north here we treat everyone based on who they are, and it just turns out that everyone is an asshole, no matter race or creed.

  5. WordWord, Gordon. I also have done time in both the North and South. Northern hate of the individual is not about race, though (not sure if you meant it that way). Like you said, everyone’s an asshole 😉

  6. I prefer…to just make fun of everyone, asshats or not. Fuck do I care what race they are?

  7. Dismissed!Someday I’m going to sit down with a white supremacist, and in small words and quiet questions, I will deconstruct his belief system because he cannot ever justify it.

  8. How did you know?As soon as I read – \”For those of you whose mouths are agape in shock\” – I realized that mine was. What else could I do but hang my head in shame. Can we bring some troops home and spread a little freedom around here first?

  9. I’m sick of integration. Blacks ruin gene pools.I’m all for segregated proms, because blacks are smelly and they ruin American culture. Blacks smell worse than French people and have an education level roughly equivalent of monkeys that learn hand signals.

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