
It troubles me that people like this actually exist. If you’re going to become a complete and utter shitbag, you may as well go open up a colony for complete and utter shitbags. I bet you could make some friends, you vile example of humanity.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HmmmChrist. Those underwear seared themselves into my brain.Jesus, help me. If some fucker put those on a stick and proceeded to shove them into my face, I’d drop dead. Stone fucking dead.

  2. ScientologyCheck the link \”Pranks\” in the section \”My Pain\” on the prettyfar website. More Scientology funnies.If even 50% is true, this guy has had a f’d up life.

  3. Lesbians One of my friends lived with lesbians for a couple years. A few of them were cool but most annoying as hell. Their was one on particular who had poor hygene. Apparently she went through a phase where she wanted to be natural. She figured that this meant not using soap or anything else man-made for cleaning. I guess it got pretty ripe. They also kept a million fucking animals in their apartment. Of course actually looking after them and cleaning them wasn’t something they found terribly important. The smell was so bad you couldn’t go into the kitchen.

  4. NASTYnot only is the lesbo gross, but so was every one else in the place. how can some one live in constant stink, if I couldnt get her out, I would get the hell out of there fast as shit. chasing people with her nasty ass clothing is just strait up wrong, no one diserves having that kinda shit happen to them

  5. NASTYnot only is the lesbo gross, but so was every one else in the place. how can some one live in constant stink, if I couldnt get her out, I would get the hell out of there fast as shit. chasing people with her nasty ass clothing is just strait up wrong, no one diserves having that kinda shit happen to them

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