Work It Girl, Work It Hard!

I was perusing IMDB just a few minutes ago, and came across this little exerpt regarding Jennifer Aniston:

Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston has rubbished reports she is pregnant, but boasts she is “having fun trying” with husband Brad Pitt. The couple complain that contrary to rumors, they are not yet expecting a child, although they admit they recently visited Italy – while Pitt was filming blockbuster sequel Ocean’s Twelve – hoping the country’s romantic atmosphere would help their desperate attempt to conceive their first child. Aniston’s representative Stephen Huvane insists, “The report is false.” The 35-year-old beauty adds, “We’re absolutely in the process though.”

Heh heh. Having fun trying, eh? That’s what I like to hear.

I think we all know what she’s talking about, don’t we?

*wink wink* *nudge nudge*

That’s right. After conferring with our Italian correspondents, it turns out that Ms. Aniston has been quite busy the last few weeks. I hope her wrists aren’t throbbing after all this work:

If you drink enough NyQuil® and coffee together during the day, you can change the rotation of the Earth with your very mind. Tremble in fear, mortals, or I’ll spin this bitch so hard you’ll find your ass implanted on the surface of Jupiter!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Just a thoughtCould it be possible that in all their happy fun time, they are doing it all wrong? Perhaps Brad and Jennifer here are like a couple other happy familys that have been mentioned here at BAMF. You kno what I’m talking about – the rear pokers. Perhaps Brad and Jenn need to be taught the intricacies of how to conceive a child.

  2. tabloidsThe British tabloids posted a photo of Jennifer Aniston which showed off a rather horrible bump around her tummy area. They said how wonderful it was that ‘pregnant Jennifer’ was still stepping out looking great with hubby Brad Pitt.Hmm, after reading that I’m starting to think that maybe they’re not doing enough practicing.

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