1. The Zerg are composed of several different types of creatures that have been integrated into the Swarm by the Overmind. These creatures, or breeds, have been selectively evolved to become efficient killers and to assist the Zerg in their quest for ultimate power. The Zerg do not utilize technology in the common sense, but their natural weaponry and armor is comparable to the most advanced gadgetry employed by any other species. This biological evolution, combined with an unmatched savagery and their blind devotion to the Overmind, make the Zerg an extremely formidable and deadly foe.

    The Zerg have been found in all types of environments, including deep space. They have adapted themselves to the rigors of space travel, although it is not exactly understood how they are able to do so. The center of a Zerg habitation is the Hatchery. Their nests are composed of a thick organic matter, nicknamed the Creep, which provides nourishment for the Zerg and provides organic mass for Zerg Larvae and Drones to facilitate their transformation into larger forms. The Creep expands and covers the area around the Zerg hive, and is very difficult to eradicate.

    The Drone is capable of mining both minerals and Vespene gas. To gather minerals, just right-click on a mineral cluster with the Drone and it will automatically begin resourcing. Each mineral cluster can only be mined by one Drone at a time. If only one Drone is assigned to a particular cluster, it will mine only from that cluster. However, having only one Drone per mineral cluster isn’t the best ratio for mineral gathering — usually you will want to have at least 2-3 Drones per cluster to get the most out of the minerals (however, depending on the distance of the Hatchery from the clusters, you may want more or less). Note that there can be too many Drones mining at one time and those Drones that are unable to access a Mineral cluster will usually just end up sitting idle until a cluster frees up. With experience you should be able to find optimal numbers for mineral clusters for a particular resource area.

    In the case of Vespene gas, an Extractor needs be built on top of the mine before Drones can collect from it. Once the Extractor is completed, just right-click on it with a Drone to begin collecting the refined Vespene gas. The number of Drones you’ll want gathering from a mine will depend on the distance between the mine and the destination Hatchery. Note that although only one Drone can be inside the Extractor at a time, 3-4 Drones set to gather from each nearby Extractor will usually offer maximum efficiency. The general rule of thumb is to keep adding Drones to the Vespene gas Extractor until only one Drone waits outside at any given time. If more Drones begin waiting around the Extractor, then those additional Drones provide no improvement in the rate of Vespene gas harvesting.

    As with the Terrans and Protoss, if you plan to build quickly up the tech tree, you will need to concentrate more on Vespene gas collection early in the game, since that is the slowest incoming resource. If you plan for a rush or other low-tech tactic, you will want to concentrate more on gathering minerals, since the lower tech units and structures are more mineral dependent.

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