Will She Or Will She Not Go Cuckoo For… Nevermind

Continuing the celebrity trend of picking child names that will undoubtedly fuck them up far more than being raised in the limelight, Courtney Cox and David Arquette decided to name their new baby girl “Coco”.

The big question of course is whether or not the baby’s last name will be “Cox”. And if so, what with the Arquette heritage and all, why hasn’t the baby just committed suicide already and been done with it?

If you read that article above, and look at my last sentence, a really really horrible joke comes to mind. But I won’t verbalize it. I’m going to let your work for your spot in Hades today.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. ahh…ah… you mean… there have been countless before who’ve already done that… she just won’t quit. Poor eggs/sperms – so bright at such a young age… silly parents.

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