
Well, I had this entire story posted about my first experience with a Wii, and Internet Explorer 7 completely cocked it up with its ridiculous settings. If I allow popups for a site… maybe you should save THE FUCKING FORM DATA THAT I SEND TO THAT POPUP, YOU PIECE OF SHIT BROWSER!


Anyway, Microsoft just convinced me that I shouldn’t abandon Firefox, because they are a bunch of talentless cocksuckers, so lesson learned. Now on to the post that I had written out in detail, which is now lost due to their complete ineptitude.

I touched a Wii tonight. I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind since. Even my girlfriend, a staunch opponent to all things gaming, was quite enthralled by the experience. We played ExciteTruck… and it was fun. The graphics aren’t anything to write home about… but it is fun. That’s really all that matters, right? Some people would argue, but who gives a shit about the elitists who can only enjoy a game that utilizes the latest technological innovations. Look at Bongweasels “Game Of The Week” and tell me that graphics are the be-all/end-all of qualitative factors when it comes to video games.

Matter of fact, I mocked such idiocies while destroying my gf at ExciteTruck. Some group of little junior-highers came strolling in, with the obligatory braggart idiot who droned on and on about how he was only there to shop for a PS3 game, and how the Wii graphics (and 360, for that matter) sucked in comparison. Oh help him kind merchant, he needs a PS3 game and now! Save him from graphical mediocrity before he crumbles into low-resolution pixels!!!

Except the little prick admitted later that a “friend” was going to “send” him a PS3 later in the week, which was believed as much within his group of friends as it was in my group of… me. When he insulted the Wii and told his friends how awesome his phantom PS3 would be, I had to speak up. I loudly asked Ms Sharkey if she found the kid behind her as annoying as I did.

The kid was mocked out of relevance, and we continued our game, which is really what this thing is all about. After an hour or two with the Wiimote, I think everyone is going to fall in love. No joke. It’s just fun all around, and it doesn’t discriminate amongst the hardcore or the technologically inept. It does exactly what Nintendo sought to bring to us at the last E3… and I am happy.

I can’t wait to own one tomorrow. I’m a man who mocks mere children out of the room, and I’m proud of it. Yatta.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. You’re a SaintI shall be camping out for my Wii tomorrow night, and even if there is no line, I’m still camping just to support good ole Nintendo.

  2. It looks entertaining…I particularly like the commercial with the old chinese sensei guy. \”Your ancestors are weeping!\” I had a pretty good laugh at that one. Plus the game looked like fun. Don’t know what it is, though.I’d like to try the remote-thingy out as I’m still not completely convinced, but as Sony apparently tried to rip off some of the motion-sensitive quality of the Wii remote, then Nintendo must be on to something.

  3. GamestopCouldn’t find the post where you listed the hours the stores will start selling the Wii. Anyone remember what Gamestop and Best Buy’s times were?

  4. My WiiMan I just got this thing home and it’s awesome. Can’t believe how well the sensor works. The sports package is a TON of fun. Go out and get one. …or buy my extra one for $700

  5. Played one at EB GamesAll they had in was ExciteTruck but it was actually very good. I was concerned about the sensativity of the wiimote but even the smallest movements got a reaction. I kept trying to use the D-pad under my left thumb to steer at first but it became very natural very quickly. I’m definately going to pick one up once their more available. I did have to give the guy my driver licence to play it though. He said it was to keep people from running off with the controler.

  6. Yeah I work at GamestopI think I played that more today then I did actual work. Wii > AllPS3/XboX360 might have graphics. But Nintendo did it right with gameplay.

  7. alsoI noticed while testing it out at work tonight. The farther you are away from the sensor the less responsive the system is to remote movements. I found this nice. I was close up to the sensor and could barely control my vehichles. But as I got about 6 or 7 feet away it was nice and smooth. Also when I was close and going through the Wii Console menu’s the hand would be really unstable and hard to target on the menu icons. But again farther away was smoother and stable.

  8. *****The Zerg are composed of several different types of creatures that have been integrated into the Swarm by the Overmind. These creatures, or breeds, have been selectively evolved to become efficient killers and to assist the Zerg in their quest for ultimate power. The Zerg do not utilize technology in the common sense, but their natural weaponry and armor is comparable to the most advanced gadgetry employed by any other species. This biological evolution, combined with an unmatched savagery and their blind devotion to the Overmind, make the Zerg an extremely formidable and deadly foe.

  9. Dude.Why would you even give IE another chance? You should know instinctively that given any opportunity it will assfuck you.

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