
I get back from work to find a bevvy of Nintendo related news. Every time I post some story about the Wii or the DS, I kind of feel like I am humbly realigning karma, since I so greatly doubted them in the past. That, and the stories make my penis hard in a way that probably makes my girlfriend a bit nervous. First of all, Nintendo finally put an official $250 price tag on the Wii. That’s half the price of Sony’s totally fucking worthless 20GB version of the PS3. That’s $150 less than the 360. And at the moment, the Wii has more titles that I desperately want than the other two combined. Matter of fact, Nintendo’s entire 2006 lineup is shaping up to be pretty fantastic. I am hurt and hardened by this. My wallet is pleased as punch though.

Speaking of which, these Zelda: Twilight Princess screenshots are quite excellent. I’d really like some amazing news on the PS3, PSP, or Xbox 360 front, because I’m really tired of whoring out BAMF to Nintendo and not getting a fat paycheck for it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Not OfficialThat article is from Friday, and there is no Nintendo source. The price is still not official.

  2. I secondThe only thing Nintendo has said officially is that the Wii will not cost more than $250. Nintendo would be smart to set the price at $199, especially if Microsoft is thinking of dropping the price of the $399 system to $299.

  3. be wearyWe’ve all seen you do this 100 times Sharkey. You get excited, forget your past problems, only to be hurt. I’m not saying it’s going to suck, but keep in mind it’s still a new console. The launch lineup will change, the first year releases will change, the price will change, everything.Plus, because it’s nintendo after like, 8 months the Wii will have a super special edition package that will probably come in some badass colour, or will be coloured like an NES, or Famicom or something. That would be pretty sweet!

  4. Are you serious?You’re really that excited about this thing? There’s Zelda….and…um…Zelda….and….hmm…

  5. dudedead rising on 360 is going to be the best game ever. i think it comes out in august. THOUSANDS OF ZOMBIES. thousands.

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