Wii Aren’t Laughing Anymore

Stupid Nintendo, doing stupid shit that makes you mock them for years and then when they finally roll it out, you salivate over the whole shebang. It’s kind of like that South Park episode where everyone was riding around on the personal movement devices that you had to shove up your ass and blow to control. Yeah, it’s amazing and innovative, but can we eliminate just a little bit of the faggotry?

Well, here’s what’s going to be gleefully shoved up our collective asses later this year. Wiiii!

  • Wii Lightgun Add-on – It’s been awhile since I cared about a light gun game, but I can see actually using this thing.
  • Engadget’s Walkthrough of the Nintendo Booth – Has photos of all of the peripherals, including the dual analog Wii controller designed for retro games.
  • Wii’s Opera Browser – The thing will be on 24/7 downloading developer content, and you’ll be able to surf the web with it. Totally unnecessary, but… kind of cool.
  • Ubisoft Praises Wii, Shuns PS3 – God damn, it’s like international “Everybody Suck Nintendo’s Dick” week. And the problem is, there’s good reason to put your fucking mouth there. So frustrating, but so pleasing at the same time.

If the Wii doesn’t open with Mario going “WHEEEE!” or something, I’ll be sorely disappointed.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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