Why Femenists Can Suck My… Uh… Nevermind

Who knew that a 9-foot wang could cause so much damned trouble?

The 9-foot snow phallus, constructed in Tercentenary Theater, was torn down just hours after its erection. But its impression still sparked an intense debate, from dining halls to dorm rooms, over the appropriateness of public displays of genitalia.

It was offensive because it was pornographic, said Amy E. Keel 04, who said she and her roommate dismantled the giant snow penis. As a feminist, pornography is degrading to women and creates a violent atmosphere, she said.

Women do not need to be reminded of the power of the symbol of the male genitalia, Rosenfeld said. My guess is that they are constantly reminded of it in daily messages.

Don’t hate the wang baby, hate the asshole that the wang is attached to. And in this case, there is no asshole, just a big pile of snow. So therefore there’s no hate baby, there’s no hate. So let’s all get together and feel a little wang-love, you damned oversensetive femenists.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I think that feminists just need to get laidWhy do all of these women (fem-bitches) think that all men are out for nothing more than to oppress and demean women into a submissive state. Hell i prefer my women out of the kitchen. I like an empowered woman. But, jesus christ people! Why do they have to blow shit so far out of proportion. If you dont like the goddamned statue then dont look at it. Here’s a news flash, knocking down the dick is not a great movement for womenkind. It is only a boon to your fragile ego and general fear that you, as a person might not get as much attention as the man sitting next to you. And as for the giant snow dick being demeaning to women. OH MY GOD PEOPLE! was the dick stuck in a vagina? NO! was the dick impailing a woman? NO! was the dick hitting a female? NO! It was just a dick… Maybe daddy showed his to you in the shower one to many times and scarred you for life. but dont think for a second that these men were out there with the express purpose of showing their prowess to make YOU feel inferior.I think the guy said it best when he said, \”I think people at this school blow things way out of proportion.\”Now you watch, that poor bastard will probably be expelled and forced to pay restitution for the \”Mental Anguish\” he caused. These femi-nazis equate equailty with degrading the opposing group while elevating their own. We have the man show while they have 3 fucking networks. notice how the villans in most of their shows are male. notice how the man show mostly talks about beer.is the dick harmless? You decide

  2. YeahStupid bitches, make me a sandwich. Since there is more than one of you, make it really big. Like a 9 foot sub. Shaped like a penis. And then eat it. That is all.

  3. gah.Ironic that the femnazi’s speak of violence. The only violence I read in the story is them \”dismantling\” the penis.Fucking whores.

  4. crassmy girlfriend was offended at this too until i punched her in the neck and told her i need a sammich.

  5. Now this is just too far…I have no problem with anyone having their own set of beliefs but this is just way too out of hand. Saying that a 9 foot snow cock is demeaning to women is just utterly redundant. If it’s demeaning to anyone at all it would be to men… I mean come on who can compare to 9 feet of penis in real life?

  6. err…I think when you said redundant, you meant retarded, right? Well, whatever, it still holds true, these women have nothing better to do except bitch about how much we *oppress* them. Yeah, try telling that to me after I have had to watch Bridget Jones’ Diary and not even get any out of it.

  7. re:snow partsthey’d still say it was demeaning if someone made a big snatch in the snow, you cant fucking win. they’re just after attention.

  8. re:crasswell ok, you got me, it wasnt actually a punch, more of a ‘love tap.’ sometimes me and girlfriend, Rosey Palm, fight just so we can make up…

  9. BitchesHow many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?Two, one to change the light bulb and the other to suck my cock.

  10. Feminism vs Physics\”She said the snow penis follows a long line of public phallic symbols, including the Washington Monument and missiles.\”The stupidity…it burns. I don’t think van Braun was thinking \”I know, I’ll make my rockets look like PENISES\” when he built the V2s, do you? Damn oversensitive women’s lib.

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