
For the second time in my life, I’ve been canned. However, this time was a bit different than the last. Whereas I deserved the last time (I was rather proud of it, actually) this time is disconcerting. I mean, I knew it was coming. But I’ve never been told that my efforts would easily warrant a promotion at another company, whereas at this one they result in my dismissal. Apparently the higher ups really did hate my vacation time in Europe that much, and decided to can me upon my completion of any unresolved consulting work.

Odd. When I slacked off there, I was treated like I shat gold. I was told I was to be promoted, that I’d get an assistant, raises, whores, the works. Then when I’m busting my ass, I get treated like solid gold shit. What kind of a lesson is that supposed to send to my psyche?

Whatever. I’m taken care of financially for the near future, so I guess I can take the time to renovate this place. Then I’ll make Solo happy by finally getting SOTD back online. Thank God I can at least stop working so many Goddamn hours. It was turning me into an aggrivated prick.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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