Who Did That Stupid “Superman’s Dead” Song?

The ultimate alien pimp. RIP.Yeah, I know that I didn’t comment on the death of Christopher Reeve yesterday. This was due to two factors: one was work, and the overabundance of it. I didn’t want to say something about a guy who’s work had such an influence on my life (yeah yeah, I’ve got a thing for Superman) when I was busy being hounded by some idiot clients to finish cleaning up somebody else’s messes. The other was that I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. I mean, are you happy for the guy, since he doesn’t have to live in that goddamned wheelchair for another 20 years? Happy that he was able to leave such a grandiose mark without fading into obscurity over time? Or do you feel sad that someone so iconic and blatently altruistic had to die, whereas Dean Cain is still alive and walking?

It’s kind of sad to think that we develop so much of our personalitites from television, which probably has a lot to do with why our society is continually becoming more and more fucked up as time goes on. I’m not ashamed to admit it. Whereas my father would have developed some of his moral compass and sense of humor from his father, I owe (part of) those respective things to Christopher Reeve and Gene Hackman. I’d probably bore most of you to tears if it weren’t for “Otisburg.”

I don’t like to get sappy and whatnot here, but Reeve was one of those rare individuals who was burdened with portraying an icon with such impossible expectations, and somehow overcame that, and became an icon of a completely different nature. He was a respectable man, and definitely could have taken his life in a different direction. Cheers to you, Supes.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. YOU CAN’T DO THAT!You took a stance against a Maddox article, now your internet credibility is forever ruined with the 18-24 male demographic.

  2. Our Lady PeaceThe band who did \”Superman’s Dead\” was Our Lady Peace. And they’re from Canada.Sorry for knowing that.

  3. Superman SongThe Crash Test Dummies also had their \”The Superman Song\” which featured Superman’s funeral in the video.

  4. yeahI have to agree with Sharkey. I always liked the guy and i’m very in favor of stem cell research… also, i like to eat babies, but thats an entirely unrelated subject.

  5. well saidI’d been struggling with how to express my thoughts and feelings over the death of Christopher Reeve, and I don’t think I could have said it any better than you, Sharkey.I can’t think of a better real-life person to forever associate with the kind of character and compassion that Superman embodies, than Christopher Reeve.Maybe I’m a sap, but I always kinda believed he *would* walk again one day. But then again, perhaps because of the awareness and research he helped to bring to paralysis, maybe someone else will be able to walk again, sometime down the road. That’s not a bad legacy to leave behind.

  6. Well he was breathing on his ownI heard that they were able to fill him with more electrodes than Dick Cheney and he could do things we all take for granted (like using his diaphram to breath) on his own towards the end. But if you ever saw how he was living these last couple of months you would see how bad a shape he was in. God did a mercy kill on him after he got through laughing at makeing Superman a parapalegic. Real funny God.Of course the only thing we can do now is move on and hope that Dean Cain gets it next.

  7. UsefulnessI’m sure they could still get some use out of Chris by making him into a servitor. Yeah….build me a palace…Oops, guess I’m a little too addicted to Dawn of War right now…

  8. Respect. X2.More and more of the icons I grew up with are leaving us. Rodney. Supes. Goddamn this sucks balls.I remember a story on the news just after his accident… a little girl looked up at her mommy and asked \”Why Superman had to be in a wheelchair?\”Broke my goddamned heart. Tore the fucker into little shreds. Little puppies getting hit by cars can’t do that kind of emotional damage to me.One of the other hallowed sites I frequent had some little turdmuffin try to joke about the Reeve and his passing.Th thread became 10+pages within hours and the little fucker had his sanity stomped into oblivion. Not to mention his being banned from countess forums.Due to the passing on of the Reeve, I recommend a new rule for the hordes to enforce:\”You NEVAR fuck around about the Reeve.\”Legends aren’t supposed to die. Icons aren’t supposed to fade.

  9. I wonder…if Adam West or Micheal Keaton will do the eulogy.But in all seriousness it’s sad to see him go. I was rooting for him and actually teared when i saw that commercial where he walked.

  10. Word dudeWe can all make all the jokes we want, but that guy did alot more with things we should all be involved in than 99% of the population. I may be biased as a person with a spinal injury, but yeah, what he did to try to stop the archaic thinking was amazing.On the other hand, if he would have never been injured he might have been a fucking douchebag. Meh, I’m drunk.

  11. blahyou know what’s better than Christopher Reeve?Cristopher Walken. (if you don’t get the joke, ask somebody… I hope they punch you.)

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