When HD Hurts

We just got back from dinner, and turned on the TV to wind down a bit. That “Lost” special was recording on the DVR, which I left on while I hit the can. When I came back, Carlton Cuse (I had to Google his name to figure out which one was which) was on, describing some shit about Kate. When it pulled back to the two of them in the studio, it looked like Cuse had some sort of deranged herpes breakout all over his face. I don’t know if it’s the same in standard def, but he is a hideous vision in high definition. Every time they cut back to him in that little talking head box, I want to keep my eyes on the computer screen, but tragically I cannot. It’s like we’re midway between normal vision and the view from the sunglasses in They Live.

…is he wearing lipstick?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. These ideals have enabled the Confederate Marine Corps and Colonial Fleet to defend Confederate interests along the Galactic Rim for more than two centuries. Marines come from all walks of life, but they are united in their devotion to the preservation of the Confederate way of life.

    The Corps offers countless opportunities for young men and women to see the sector and gain valuable real world experience. We will train you. We will teach you. We will shape you into an efficient warrior, garnering respect and admiration from your peers. We can even help you work past criminal and/or anti-social tendencies through counseling, drug therapy, and neural resocialization.

    Available positions within the Corps are listed by Occupational Field (OF) and include the Preferred Experience Base (PEB) and Occupational Summary (OS) for each Field.


    Mobility, great defense, build anywhere, cloaking, versatility, Marines, strong through whole tech-tree, easy to learn, instant cloak detection, ability to repair buildings and most units.
    Tendency to “turtle”, need lots of space, require active scouting, require micromanagement for special abilities, vulnerable to Dark Swarm, buildings burn up when highly damaged.

  2. I wanted to announce to everyone a project Ië­­e been working on for the last few months or so-

    The Flash Gaming Network!

    The Flash Gaming Network (or FGN) specializes in writing in-depth reviews of flash games. Think of it like an IGN or gamespot for flash. I, as well a few friends and fellow NG members have been working on writing reviews for it. Weë­­e been trying to get a good mix of new and classic games in the database, and right now we have around 50+ reviews for you to check out. If you like the site be sure to sign up for the newsletter/ rss feed, and let us know what you think : )

    Hey everyone. I hope all those who managed to snag a Nintendo Wii are enjoying it as much as I am, especially watching NG movies on its new Opera browser. Most NG movies and games play great on the Wii, and mouse controlled games are a blast with the wiimote. There’s nothing like sitting on your couch watching your favorite flash movies full screen on your TV.

    I even created a special version of my site, http://www.VideoGameDC.com for it. To check out a preview of “VGDC on the Wii” point your Wii browser to http://www.videogamedc.com/Wii/wii.html. Keep in mind the site is still under construction, and will have its own domain name soon. The simple design and interface will let you watch VGDC’s most popular movies full screen on your TV. I’m also working with some of NG’s best sprite gamemakers so their games can be played on the new site as well.

    Later guys..



    Happy Black History Month! ROCK ON!

    Just a quick note – don’t forget to vote on this month’s top entries (as you see fit), if you’re eligible to do so!

    Here are couple more things worthy of mention:

    1. If you’re handy with graphics, check out this month’s art contest. There are prizes involved for the winners and runners up!

    2. If you haven’t already, check up on Tom’s thread about the return of Bytesize! We’ve had some great entries already and this is going to be an awesome way of garnering attention, with respect to your forthcoming user pages. 🙂

  3. Stupid fucking spam posts.

    I thought the same thing when I was watching the State of the Union in High def. Sweet Jesus, maybe high def isn’t such a good idea sometimes.

  4. Hey makes you want to watch some cheap porn where they barely afford makeup that works on poor peoples TV…(cue evil laugh)

  5. ^^ Moron. ^^

    That might have stirred up people in the 70’s, but nowadays, people accept all races and genders, and the natural selection system is in place to make sure fucktards like you don’t breed.

    Kramer is that you ?

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