What’s That Mean In Egypto?!?!

I started downloading a torrent of the entirety of “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” about a week ago. I wanted to see Soccer Claus right the fuck away. And now, a week later, I’m at this point:

7 days down, 96% downloaded, 20 some-odd days to go. Piracy is awesome.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. torrentanychance the almight sharkey (or anyone else) can link up that torrent? I would be eternally in your debt (which means jack shit, I’m poor), but I would be thankful…

  2. Just so theres no confusionI have all the DVD sets, and plan to buy the fourth on the day it is released. But I NEED that fourth season, right the fuck now. And its on exeem, bitches.

  3. Can we get a link to a good eXeem file? I’d hate to get some messy shit all over my computer.I found a torrent for The Real Ghostbusters the other day but it died out around 35%.

  4. but then…Ever get screwed out of that, like when your finished, some dick forgot to label the the file and it turns out to be german or some shit…and you just wasted 2 weeks downloading it

  5. futuramanot as tasty as ATHF (have vast majority of them already) but ive nabbed almost every futurama episode in probably 3 days total via DC++. get it set up properly, grant users 5+ slots on your PC, and autojoin like a dozen hubs and you’ll nab most anything in a day or 2. http://www.dcplusplus.com

  6. Torrentstop RIPGuess the MPAA was busy this week. *sniff* Guess I’ll have to find another torrent site. Not that i pirate or anything…*uncrosses fingers*I’m always legal.

  7. Harrrhttp://www.torrentreactor.to/andhttp://torrentspy.com (get the Firefox search plugin. It rocks.).ATHF 1-4 is there, and I’m getting it with 63 seeds and 420 peers.

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