So, I have a plan for the upcoming year. Beginning January 1, 2005, there will be a small change here. While the music page here at the MoFo will continue to carry all the inane banter you have come to love, loath, despise, and tolerate for the free music linkage, it’s gonna have a little something extra.
Allow me to rephrase- a lot extra.
Basically, starting that day, the music page will be updated daily, Monday through Friday. Each post will have [insert drumroll here] an mp3. That’s right, kiddies, we’re gonna have ourselves an mp3 blog, thanks to to the new hosting deal I got for my website (CHEAP PLUG) from GoDaddy (CHEAP PLUG v.2.0). This means if you like the music I write about, you will be happy. If you hate the music I post about, you will hate me even more, because there will be free music daily, and you won’t want to download a single bit of it.
Of course, if there are any bands you feel deserve attention, e-mail me at skajester [at] yahoo dot com. I’ll see what I can do.