What Do You Tell A Woman With Two Black Eyes?

Some chump in New Hampshire has been arrested for dragging his girlfriend around and punching her in the head after she beat him at an arm-wrestling match and called him a wimp. What I want to know is, where was this guy’s hidden strength during the match?

The Union-Leader newspaper reported on Wednesday that Raymond White and Lisa Smith had been drinking early on Tuesday when she remarked that he didn’t have any muscles and challenged him to an arm-wrestling match.

Smith mocked White after winning the contest, and he responded by grabbing her by the hair, dragging her down a set of stairs and punching her several times in the head, the paper said, citing court documents.

I’d like to know how this guy gets the balls to bash his girlfriend around after she kicked his ass at arm-wrasslin’. That’s like if Screech fucked your woman and she said it was the best she’d ever had. Not much you can do, just pack up your bruised ego and quietly move on.

Well no, I guess you could knock Screech’s teeth into the back of his throat, that’s a way to go. But if Screech kicks your ass, you’re in real fucking trouble. Just off yourself and be done with it, you sad, pathetic little man.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. hahaok, i am from new hampshire. i just want everyone to know that there are places that are not like this. but. there are as well. my state fucking sucks. nevermind.

  2. hahaok, i am from new hampshire. i just want everyone to know that there are places that are not like this. but. there are as well. my state fucking sucks. nevermind.

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