We’re Not Dead, We’re Pining For The Fjords

Yeah, no posts on two weekdays, what the Hell? I kind of took a break, since I’ve actually been working my ass off this week and wanted to take some time to finish some projects and then have a little “me” time. And by “me”, I of course mean my digital form of cel-shaded crack, “Zelda.”

Last night we planned on meeting up with the rest of the crew for a night at Disneyland, but me and the lil’ woman wound up watching Life Is Beautiful before we left. Good movie, but it was kind of like going to a funeral just before heading off to a birthday party. Something about Holocaust movies just sucks the magic right outta the Magic Kingdom. So we went to Red Robin & had booze/dessert instead. I say this flippantly, but the fact of the matter is, that decision actually took up almost two hours of our lives. That personal bit of punishment is the reason why I waste a minute or two of your lives by forcing you to read it.

By the way, does anyone suppose that this guy wishes he was a rich black football player right now? How much does Johnnie Cochrane cost these days?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. La Vite e BellaIts a truely great film. Just how many films can claim to be holocaust comedies in good taste? eh? None.

  2. Winning Bet or Extra TipWell Sharkey you won the boxing bet at Red Robin but unfortunatly the waitress thought you were a great tipper and took it off the table (thanks for the smokes though). Just a little love for making me read that whole post about things that I was present for.

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