Well, That’s It For The Internet. What’s Next?

Oh sweet merciful crap.

A four-letter term that came to symbolize the difference between old and new media during this year’s presidential campaign tops U.S. dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster’s list of the 10 words of the year.

Merriam-Webster Inc. said on Tuesday that blog, defined as “a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments and often hyperlinks,” was one of the most looked-up words on its Internet sites this year.

*makes hand jerkoff motion*

It’s a sad fucking day in American culture when the number one word for the goddamned year is “blog.” Only in a society this fucking retarded do we all sit around and give validity to people who have nothing better to do than sit around all day writing about shit that nobody cares about.

*looks around*

Shut up.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Word #10Is \”defenestration.\” WTF? The others I can see – politics, tour de france, but defenestration? How is that the #10 word of the year?

  2. Defenestration rocksThat is, popping a girl’s cherry. It’s better if she’s slutted it up and knows how to give good head though.

  3. Web LogWhen the hell did slang start to become words just because they were used often? Blog is NOT a word! Web log is two words. Some fucking asshat emo piece of shit decided ‘blog’ sounded cool and goofy and cute as is the way of most internet culture. Now it’s passable english? JESUS.

  4. say whatNot once did I ever even think about in anyway whatsoever typing in the word blog, I am not sure, but I dont know if I have ever said blog before, and this just might be the fist time I ever wrote it

  5. web log> When the hell did slang start to become words just because they were used often?um, for better or worse that’s how all words become words. it’s fucking anarchy. IT’S A MADHOUSE!> Some fucking asshat emo piece of shit decided ‘blog’ sounded cool and goofy and cute as is the way of most internet culture.however, i too still really hate the word \”blog\”. it sounds like when it’s flu season and you’ve just unleashed some foul excrement into a public toilet, and the guy waiting in line after you catches a whiff so on your way out you pre-emptively speak up \”sorry dude, i totally just blogged in there\”.\”web log\” was perfectly acceptable since the days of yore when i had to walk through four feet of snow uphill both ways for the priveledge of hand-coding perl in a cgi.it’s a mainstream media marketing invention like \”wi-fi\” instead of 802.11.-z

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