Well, That Was Fun

Apparently there was a fiber cut somewhere along the East coast, so we lost BAMF for awhile. Gave me a chance to catch up on some work that’s been bottling up. *COUGH* *Zelda* *COUGH*

Anyway, we should be all moved onto the new server now, and things seem pretty damned speedy, so I would assume that we’re back on the major pipe as opposed to the slow-as-a-special-ed-class backup. Now I guess I can get started on finalizing everything for the site rollover. That’s right, the site that’s been running for Goddamn ever and only gone through one facelift is finally due for an interface enema. Then it’s back to trying to piss off the French, Canadians, and French Canadians. Matter of fact, I need a new group/race/religion to pick on. We’ve got the aforementioned few, and the Scientologists and Catholics, with a dash of Mormon-mockery on the side. You folks are getting harder and harder to piss off, so I need someone new to anger for my own amusement. I’m open to suggestions. In the meantime, you forum kiddies can stop bugging Ray and Mers about the outage.

Thank you Jesus for the server being online, and forgive the Jews for killing you.

*awaits hate mail*

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Possible AngerThe Amish would be the eaiest since they will never know that anyone is bagging on them.

  2. Gayswhers all the gay bashingi mean comon who doesn’t like to rip on gays…?or even better gay mexicans…amn those are the worst..i should know i live near a shit load of them…Florida & Utica in Huntington Beach…..one night i was walking to the liquer store for further intoxication when along comes three hispanc weMAN looking like they’re ready for a night on the town. As I approached i realized that they were in fact…men…yes ladies and gentlemen they were cross dressing homosexual mexican ******s…and let me tell you Sharkey could have had a field day with that shit.

  3. Traffic-BlockersFuck those shitheads, we don’t have any of those pedestrian-has-the-right-of-way laws around here – someone steps in front of my car or is standing in my way, they’re getting hit.

  4. MooniesGet those damn Moonies, those freaks are starting to spread everywhere. They actually think that Rev. Moon is the messiah and they brainwash people with books and video tapes from the 70’s. They actually send people to Korea to meet that wussie. Lamest cult ever.

  5. screw w/ the fucking losers of the world..JEWS!! they are completely snobby losers and some of them might even try to protect their sad fucking lives. fuck around w/ ther minda and fuck around w/ them.trash them till they drop outta this world. JEWS SUCK!!!!!!!

  6. screw w/ the fucking losers of the world..JEWS!! they are completely snobby losers and some of them might even try to protect their sad fucking lives. fuck around w/ ther minda and fuck around w/ them.trash them till they drop outta this world. JEWS SUCK!!!!!!!

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