Well, If You Have To Fail At Something…

…you may as well fail at suicide.

And if you’re going to fail at suicide, you may as well leave one Hell of a mess.

The blast is being investigated by the Chillicothe Police Department as a suicide attempt. According to a report, Morris told officers he turned on the natural gas to his house in an effort to kill himself. He did become concerned, however, someone other than himself would be harmed if the house exploded. But as he went to the basement to turn off the electric circuit breaker, the house exploded.

Morris’ single-story home was leveled to the foundation, said Assistant Chief Steve Barnes.

“It was something to see once we got there,” Barnes said of the damage the blast inflicted on the neighborhood. “There was a large piece of it in the street, in the back yard, leaning against other houses and small pieces were scattered around the neighborhood.”

Something tells me that with three kids, hospital bills, and a funny shaped hole where his house used to be, this guy isn’t going to be the pinnacle of stability once his wounds heal. Sounds like a nice fellow though, which is funny considering all the suicidal folks I’ve ever known (with the exception of teenagers, who usually deserve it) were exceptionally nice people. Which just goes to show that being a complete and utter shitbag to other folks will really do wonders for your self esteem.

Time for me to go randomly shove some forum threads and kick an old man in the crotch. Excuse me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. Actually……..It could be quite cool. They could bring him back as a cyborg. Like, a really cool cyborg, ala Nemesis (not that Star Trek movie). Yeah. And give him guns. Like that .50 cal they were using.

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