Wednesday Thus Far

Your father's no prize either, you little shit!Aside from watching executives bicker in front of me about their primary “action goals” on their upcoming website and nearly getting killed by a speeding forklift, it’s been a fairly odd day. I’m used to odd though, so there’s really no worries in that department. I run this site for God’s sake. Odd is a day where I don’t get an e-mailed eyeful of Goatseman with my morning coffee.

However, I came across a situation today that I was unprepared for. As I was driving home, I encountered my lil’ white haired old grandmother on the road. As I contemplated waving to her, I saw that she was looking straight at my car, with an angered grimace on her face. As I made my turn, I was surprised to see her clearly mouth the words “Son of a BITCH.” at me. I doubt she knew who I was, since she still calls me by the wrong name every now and again and couldn’t hear a cow anally raping Celene Dion in the next room. But still, it’s unsettling to be the victim of inter-familial road rage. That’s a new experience to add to the list. And by the way Mom, if you’re reading, Grandma’s been talkin’ smack on you. Maybe it’s time we talked about nursing home options.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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