We interrupt this string of decent posts to bring you…

hay everybody whats up?

Well, at this point you are probably wondering one of two things: what sort of nerve I have to just waltz back in here and start posting again like I didn’t walk out on you like your second alcoholic step-father, and, why haven’t I posted any slices.

Well, I don’t have any slices. But I do have this:

We even?

Categorized as News


  1. futuramaI heard futurama is on adult swim now? That show was hilarious. That’s why Simpsons got bad, all the goodness was being funneled over into Futurama.

  2. brak showDad: So you’re telling me that Huckleberry Hound, who has held two jobs in the past and wears a bowtie, has reverted to a primal state?

  3. ImpressiveImpressive Pancho, I think the exact words coming out of Dad’s mouth when I capped that are \”So, you’re telling…\”.Oldskool430, Futurama is on adult swim every night except Friday, and they are promoting the show heavily and creating new episodes.We also are getting 13 new episodes of Brak :)And evan, you obviously haven’t seen the horror that is \”the ripping friends\”, that piece of shit show sucks harder than an industrial vacuum. Not only is it the worst thing on adult swim, it is the worst thing on all of TV and I cry tears of blood for humanity whenever I think about it.

  4. Adult SwimI heard a rumor that they’re going to be showing The Family Guy on AS now. Anybody know if that’s true?

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