Wasted Away Again In NyQuilRitaville

A lot of people may be experiencing the same general malaise towards the Internet as I have lately. The rest of you may be wondering why, in an age of enlightenment-at-your-fingertips, I feel so (as FaaQ put it yesterday) disenfranchised with the whole damned thing. I am now prepared to give you one good reason.

By the way, this guy looks like he should be an office manager for a large scale shipping company. Or, perhaps, a theater projectionist. My projectionists friends would easily agree with this one. Hell, he could even wear his fetish-gear to work. Remember kids, while you’re watching Harry Potter, he’s watching you. And he’s doing this.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. idiots(going into psychiatrist mode) Zee reezon you feel zis disillusionment with ze internet is because it is now popular with idiots. (ok, enough fake austrian accents) If thee internet were difficult enough to weed out the unintelligencia, then we wouldn’t have dumbass websites like this. But AOL, in all its boundless whoring, decided that idiots part with their money easily. Which they do.

  2. Damn rightNot too sure if I qualify, but being a projectionist at good ol lb 26, I agree completely… and from a chick point of view, that’s just sad.

  3. GOOD GODand I was about to go to bed also…shit now ill never sleep. Nightmares…Nightmares…\”No go away mr. diaper man!\”Fucking Christ Sharkey. I partake in the consumption of my fair share of Nyquil as well, but im gonna have to go to town on the bottle to get any sleep tonight.

  4. WhinersThis is the kind of stuff you guys send me. Don’t come crying to me, I’m just the conduit, not the kineticism. …or something.

  5. not sure if you can ever top this…Sharkey…you and your site have been enligtening us with some crazy shit over the years, but I am not sure if you’ll ever top this one. Like \”rOmeo\” stated….\”this is the internet summed up in 1 website\” …couldn’t have said it better….christ…

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