Wanted: (1) Complete Fucking Loser

Don’t….don’t fucking encourage them.

PORTLAND, Ore. Position Available: Interpreter, must be fluent in Klingon. The language created for the ”Star Trek” TV series and movies is one of about 55 needed by the office that treats mental health patients in metropolitan Multnomah County. Although created for works of fiction, Klingon was designed to have a consistent grammar, syntax and vocabulary. And now Multnomah County research has found that many people – and not just fans – consider it a complete language. ‘County officials said that obligates them to respond with a Klingon-English interpreter, putting the language of starship Enterprise officer Worf and other Klingon characters on a par with common languages such as Russian and Vietnamese, and less common tongues including Dari and Tongan.

If you’re a Trekkie who doesn’t speak Klingon, don’t worry. I’m sure there are lots of companies looking for overweight virgins with a near-encyclopedic knowledge of everything related to an old television show. Well actually, there’s only one, and you can only get it if you kill Harry Knowles (without being consumed) and assume his identity. Start snackin’ on those twinkies, tubby, you’ve got about a half-ton to go.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Klingon FreaksApparently they’re not really being encouraged all that much. And I think it’s hilarious that all these \”news sources\” picked up and reported about this story. I saw this last night on the nightly news, and chuckled about it. When I found out the story was fake and the tv station (and apparently many other news sources) were duped into it too, I laughed my ass off.Judging by the number of these freaks who take the time and dedication to study Klingon, unfortunately it apparently doesn’t take a whole lot of encouragement to motivate them into wasting all that time learning a completely fake language instead of one of the many *real* foreign languages that might actually be useful sometime in life.Anyway, here’s the address…http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/5/11/7032/18347

  2. Someone’s got my numberI dont read slashdot anymore. I got this from USAToday. By the way, I dont know if anyone told you about how the internet works, but one source posts a story or a video or some object, and about five fucking million people replicate it until even my grandmother has seen it. But just to keep you happy, I’ll make a shiny new bookmark of Slashdot, read it every day and make sure I have absolutely nothing to say about any goddamn thing they post, as they are obviously the final word on the subject.

  3. Slashdot?Oh yeah… that good for nothing shit news site.I wouldn’t waste the 171 bytes it would take to store that bookmark.

  4. Welcome to prison! From the looks of this site, you should take a look at mine, which is a Michigan correction officer’s site, and, of course, has some prison stuff on it. I’m sure I will be sliding a food tray through a slot in a cell door to some of you soon. http://www.geocities.com/nadacomin/

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