Wang Mouthification: Its Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

[ British Schoolkids to Be Asked to Consider Oral Sex ]

Just that title alone warrants a post, but the subject matter is even better. British administrators are attempting to incorporate oral sex into the “sex education” equation. This is supposed to help eliminate some teenage pregnancies, by encouraging Britain’s high school girls to take the shot in the mouth instead. Two questions immediately arise from my horribly perverted mind. One: in the immortal words of The Ladies’ Man “Have you considered da butt?” Two: does semen hold any kind of value as a teeth cleansing product, because if so, all the better.

Just remember lil’ British chicks, it can’t taste any worse than that crap you pass off as food.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. woah!When does this education start in america? Because I know plenty of people still in high school who could use this kind of class. Hot bitches all, by the way.

  2. amencan’t think of anyone who would be opposed to this… Maybe incorporate this into the Phys Ed ciriculum? Hell, they made us Square dance, the least they could do is give us head after…

  3. one more thingsemen really hurts the teeth. gf is always brushing her teeth b/c she is a bio/chem major and knows this shit.

  4. TeethWhere did women get the idea that it feels nice to have some sharp teeth scraped across my man-chin chilla? FUCK TEETH! AND MORE SPIT, BITCH!

  5. ok …first, it’s Chinchilla, all one word. second, less spitting, more swallowing, douche. third, I’m drunker than a spic with moonshine. Word to your mother.

  6. Your SiteWhat happened to BAMF Sharkey??? Your site used to rock, now it womps(sucks)!!! Well just thought I’d let you know that you’re slipping.

  7. PanchoI too am only 19 years of age, and I can vouch for the mass horn-dogedness that comes with this period of life.

  8. When the hell….You know, this is a moot point now but has anyone else ever just sat back here and thought…where the fuck did all the other sections go? I mean, the rants use to be the one thing I could count on every day there were a few people who posted every day if at least only one. And now, they’re dead as hell. Where is that loser high school kid who posted you’d think he’d still be a loser and posting there because he had nothing better to do – similar to me being a loser and posting here right now, kind of like you all being losers and posting here. Wait, I mean…what?Anyway, food for though, seems to be simply a main page and lots of other useless non-updated pages of no substance. And when, I wonder, will there ever be another episode of on the prowl.

  9. okUm, good one? Obviously the reason for the other sections being pretty much shut down is the fact that the only people around that might be interested in writing are the fan base of ass clowns such as roger ramjet and bill, two whom feel it necessary to sling insults and not give their email addresses – simply because they have a pejorative with someone concerned about this site completely opposite to their affinity for kissing Sharkey’s ass simply because he’s there.

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