1. commentthis francis storm is going to suck shit. cant do much about leaving since im in college here.. i just hope this 11 foot window next to me wont burst open

  2. HahSounds like fun, I believe Lewis Black said it best.\”you pack your shit, and you RUUUN\”Knowing Solo he will have stolen that piece from a circular mail or tv-show…

  3. Ha!Amusing piece, to be sure, but Solo’s copped his whole style from Dave Barry who, coincidentally, lives in Florida as well and is sure to do a hurricane column soon.Don’t know who the fuck Dave Barry is? Then you suck nads.That is all.

  4. Holy thieveryI just got that in a humor e-mail list I belong to last week. Hopefully that was the ‘point’ and he wasn’t trying to pass it off as his own.

  5. the best partis how its always \”oh florida is gettin reamed\”while not 2 words have been said about haiti, the dominican republic, or cubai’ll let you draw your own painfully obvious conclusions

  6. scuba gearAs a hurricane not only brings high speed winds, tornados, and flying missles with it, alot of rain can come with it as well, so if you dont die from a 140mph object impaling you, a tree colapsing though your roof and landing on you, you might just end up drowning. Then you got the afermath that with the florida heat and humidity and no power can cook some of the weaker folk. So basically all those who are here in florida like me can stand on our front porch with beer in hand and say F U to the hurricane that heads straight for us.

  7. haiti, the dominican republic, or cubaHaiti, the Dominican Republic, or Cuba.Who gives a fuck? As long as the Olsen twins are safe, let a few ’57 Chevys get blown into the Triangle.MMmmm… rehabilitated pie.

  8. hah…all \”halarious\” jokes aside there chief…pull your head out of ur ass for at least a sec and acknowledge that there are other countries out there

  9. It is copied, folkshttp://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/living/columnists/dave_barry/2078085.htmif you’re going to copy something, give the author credit. Come on…

  10. aHA!AHA! I *knew* that sounded like Dave Barry! I read his shit every weekend and his style is…peculiar and unmistakeable. Solo the Plagiarist!And Romeo, when it comes right down to it, Cuba doesn’t amount to a hill of festered dog-shit when our own backyard is getting hammered. It’s much easier to be concerned about Joe American down there in Boca Raton than it is for Juan Fulano de Tal there in Havana. So sue us.

  11. r0meowe don’t NEED to give a fuck about cuba. you remember when they hosted a couple nukes aimed right at us? I’m sure they did that because we didn’t care that they got hit by a hurricane.

  12. bahanyone here that says they never reposted something on the net is lying. I never once took credit for it, it was sent to me anonymously so i didn’t give credit. I didn’t care who wrote it. It was funny, i put it on a website.if i piss yellow you people write about it. christ. get a life.

  13. bath?it really fucking does matter if it hit cuba, haiti and shit. now that all those fuckers got a bath for free from mother nature and that shit washed back into teh ocean, its going to leave one hell of a ring.

  14. MehI, for one, couldn’t care less that we’re hated. We all know the true reason…it all has to do with having the biggest cock on the block. And if caring more about Florida than Cuba adds fuel to the fire, well, I guess we can just deal with that.It’s kinda like caring more about whether my kid gets smacked by a train or the neighbor’s kid. Sorry neighbor’s kid, but if it’s one of my own, then…

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