Wags Would Want You To Do It.

I was just informed of Ernie’s Lets Bring ‘Em Home program, aimed at helping military personnel get home for the holidays. I’m pitching in five bucks, I encourage you to help out if you can.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Bring em all homeI’ve got a better idea. Instead of donations…why don’t you email/write/call that monkey who stole the White House and tell him to bring home all your military personnel…for good. The cycle of violence that America likes to participate in and contribute to can end. No more Wars for Oil. No more weddings bombed. No more Mothers and Fathers away from their families for Christmas. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

  2. before you start hugging treesHey while you’re at it…try to have someone run for office who isn’t a total fucktard. Everytime Monica came up for air there were missiles flying into Afghanistan, Iraq, and don’t forget that whole Somalia thing. War ain’t the best thing but we haven’t attacked anybody yet. He’s gone by the book and is going through the UN. I’ve got family who is in the forces and they are proud to be what they are doing. Last time I looked, the planes flew into our towers. We didn’t do anything to have that done to us.

  3. fiveHuman nature renders peace an impossibility, you little chiseler. The \”monkey\” who stole the White House is an educated man, unlike yourself, who is an idealist with no idea how the world actually works. Find me a country not built on bloodshed and I’ll get you a nice price on the Brooklyn bridge.

  4. Dare I?Let me try to wade back into this discussion.GSUBass, I’ll agree that it’s really stupid that we live in a world where innocent people die so a president can become more popular. But what is even more mind blowing is that a whole country of educated people let this happen…almost without question or dissent. That’s what blows my mind. Clinton fought wars so America could forget that he was getting a little ass on the side. Bush picks a fight with Iraq so his buddies can win an election or two. It doesn’t make it right. As for going by the book…I don’t think I’ve ever read a book that says a democracy (or any free country) can throw the first punch in a war. True democracy’s end wars, they don’t start them. The last time I looked America trained Bin Laden and his crew, and supported and gave aid to Saddam during the 80’s (when he was using chemical weapons on Iran).Sharkey, I strongly disagree. I believe that peace is possible…it’s always possible. The only thing holding it back is a general lack in education/ethics/morals…whatever you want to call it. I’d say the steps that Ghandi (ie father of non-violent resistance) used were pretty bang on as far as peace in our time goes.And to say I’m uneducated, that’s just a slap in the face of every man and woman who has ever taught me. It’s blatant ad hominem, and really ads nothing to your discussion, which, believe it or not, I’d like to hear more of.

  5. let’s all get along… and just forget about the little event we all kind of forget… NINE ELEVEN. How long ago was it that we pulled our ever swinging big dick out of the incidents that *supposedly* provoked that little stunt…. yeah five, there’s a lot of truths to be said for what ghandi stood for, but I’ll be damned if I’ll feel a slap in the face, much less the pain of a ton of my fellow countrymen dying horrible deaths for that matter.. only to turn a peaceful cheek for fear of the whole world going blind. fuck it, give me liberty or give me death, and the head of any bitch that claims jihad status or any other aggressive stance towards the land I live in. Now go think happy thoughts, and turn a blind eye to the fact that I told you to shove your almost anti-american words up your ass.Keep up the good work Sharkey

  6. in responseYou got it right that I don’t want innocent people to die, I never want it to come to that. When the US gave Bin Laden money, it’s b/c he was fighting the Soviets, and he wasn’t a terrorist. After Afghanistan back in the 80’s Bin Laden basically gave the world the middle finger and went and did his own thing. And the Iraq/Iran war it was choosing b/t the lesser of two evils. Should the US have gotten involved? I dunno…I don’t really know about that conflict. When Bush went to Europe to drum up support the leaders all told him that he must go through the UN if he wants them to be on the United States side. So instead of making \”Bombs over Baghdad\” the top party song again, he decided to play nice with the UN. In all honesty, I trust what he’s said about Iraq, and I don’t believe Hussein should stay in office. If he must use force, so be it. I’m sure he will choose the path of least resistance when it comes to ousting Saddam. Remember, he must answer to the families of all the serviceman who might unfortunately perish in a conflict. I don’t think he’d get any joy out of sending young Americans to their deaths. And one last thing..he didn’t need to use the war so a few of his buddies could win elections. The fact that the opponents could come up with nothing other than \”Bush is bad, he’s stupid, he’s doing this all for oil\” and just attack Bush and try to attack his character. When they tell me what they will do, and not just continually bash the country’s elected leader, I’ll give them some thought.

  7. ill give 5 buxto buy the terorists a couple of rounds to send em home in coffinfuckers, what are they doing over there?

  8. samei hafta admit that ia ma cheap muthafucker,but this is the only charity i couldnt beg off, bringin, bringin home soldioers to see their folks or even heir g/f, waht could be more american?

  9. FiveI think it’s best we all not have these \”political\” repartees. It’s bullshit. If you are a better president, run for office and get elected. People seem to forget that. You can come up with all the \”election conspiracies\” you like. It worked for the Christians after all didn’t it? They didn’t like how things were so they blamed it on a \”God\”. It’s a farce.Also, lets not forget that everyone in the Armed forces CHOOSES to be there. It just so happens everyone who voted against Bush for the Gorebot, has a website, or a TV talkshow, or some fucking outlet to criticize the guy. Jesus, your words are worthless without action.

  10. …..and lets not forget all of america is behing the ideology of a man who passed out due to choking on a pretzel……gg

  11. Pretzel?Wow choking? That’s so stupid! I can’t believe his IQ is so low he would do something as needlessly moronic as choke!Next time I see someone trip on a curb I’m going to go shoot them in the head to make sure their ideology doesn’t get passed to future generations.The depth of ignorance in this thread is astounding.

  12. My lord…five, what you said above would get you dragged out into the street, stripped naked and shot in most of the countries in this world. Respect the men & women in the armed forces for giving you the freedom to bitch and moan.

  13. Freedom RocksBillblack…last time I checked my freedom’s included the right to disagree. I don’t remember the ‘getting stripped naked and shot in the street’ clause in my constitution. It’s really sad that so many people (especially post sept.11) have forgotten exactly what Freedom of Speech is all about. A advocate of freedom knows that they can disagree 100% with everything that I say while at the same time embracing me as a brother. (Keep in mind that I’m assuming a degree of intelligence behind all arguments/beliefs/ideas). So Bill, when you tell me that my beliefs can get me shot, you are doing far worse then my words ever could. Fact is, there are many people on this planet who think the way you do…believe what we believe, say what we say or you will die. I’ll leave it up to the reader to figure out who I’m talking about.The biggest problem post 9/11 is that American, and most of the Western world asked the wrong questions. Everyone was most concerned with ‘How could this happen to us?’. The big question that went mostly unasked was ‘Why did this happen?’. Sure, Bin-Laden and his buddies hate America…but why do they hate America? If you listen to President Monkey it’s because Bin Laden hates freedom. I personally think that’s a load of shit. Take a look at where the foot soldiers of Bin Ladens organization come from. You’ll see brutal poverty, worse than anything you will see in America. You’ll see hopelessness. That’s why terrorism happens, because when Bin Laden comes around with promises to lift these people out of poverty, make them into something great, people can’t help but latch on. If America would do something positive to fix these condition world wide, rather then bomb the shit out of one of the poorest countries in the world, then you will win your ‘war on terror’.And before anyone chimes in…no I’m not defending Terrorists…and 9/11 was the worst sort of tragedy…but really, violence can only invite more violence and how is that going to help anyone?One last thing…and if you’ve got this far than thank you…of course I respect the men and women in the armed forces. I respect them so much I want them all to come home for the holidays and never, ever, have to worry about being put into danger again. If that isn’t respect than I don’t know what is.

  14. freedom of speech?I am not disagreeing with your choice to speak your mind. What I am standing up for is just that… But please remember, without the people in the military, you would be speaking in Deutsch. Bin Laden and his kind are cowards, they kill innocent civilians to get credibility… That sure makes me agree with them and their methods(extreme sarcasm intended). I respect your opinion, but please realize that your opinion is only held true by the likes of the servicemen and women that protect our freedoms on a daily basis. God Bless Ernie for this great program, I donated $100 on November 26th. Five, I didn’t want or intend to start a flame war with you, so please remember, don’t take the freedoms and liberties of living in America for granted. It is nice to see someone with a true belief in what they are saying, but remember, 66% of the people in this country disagree with you.

  15. schoolingyes, it WILL teach you the entire \”speaking in Deutsch\” dealie was brought about by WWI. so \”without the people in the military\” WWII wouldnt have come about as it did, if at all. just think before ya write anything

  16. What?r0meo, can you think before you write? Please?Not having a military force in the early to middle 20th century is like being a porn star with no dick.

  17. u tardnotice when things are put into quotation marks, it is a reference to text or speech produced by a source other than myself.YEAH, there ya go…. professor dipwad

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