Video Killed The Blogosphere Star (I Wish)

DoCopenhagen has a pretty excellent article up detailing their top 50 music videos of 2005. I’ve gotta say, I’m sad that I don’t watch enough MTV2, because there’s some good shit in there that I’d never seen before. Couple of highlights:

  • Jason Forrest: War Photographer – Vikings, bitchin’ animation style, and a pretty slick little tune that I’d never heard before. Win.
  • Arcade Fire: Laika – I love Arcade Fire. They’re one of the best acts I’ve ever seen live, and this video is exactly the kind of quirky visual representation of their music that I’d expect. Not to mention the fact that this song kicks ass. Give it a try.
  • Interpol: Evil – Not really a huge fan either way, but this video is just fucking freaky. Just look at that fucking crazy-ass muppet. Kinda makes you wish he’d been aced in that car accident as well.

I want to put that muppet next to a friend while they’re sleeping, just to hear their shrieks of terror as they awaken next to that haunting visage. And then just to top it off, I’ll get ’em in the junk with that Extreme Reaction game I told you about last week.

…I’m a pretty shitty friend.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. RE: ‘evil’here’s a great article about charlie white, the director. i’m a huge fan of his photography; i own a book of it

  2. hithose videos are all well and good (the viking one was great) but The Decemberists video demands particular attention. I’m not a huge fan of the band but that video is amazing.

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