Unidor Report: Holmes & Aguilera

Once again, the universe shows us that balance is the key to a harmonious existence. Yes indeed, it has once again sent Unidor to even out the wrinkles in the fabric of the universe with his iron of equalization. Upon a mystical unicorn, he rides. He rides for all of us.

Holy shit, my lunch smells like burning styrofoam.

Yep. Much to Solo’s dismay, Christina Aguilera is now engaged to her manager. But, on the flip side, my wife Katie Holmes has reportedly dumped uber-douchebag Chris Klein. One hand washes the other, each coin has two sides, and various other catch phrases spring to mind. All I know is that I got another chance to post about Unidor, and that makes me happy.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. umlaut thisKlein is so gay, that he sucks the umlauts right outta that sentence. Try typing it for yourself, see what happens.

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