Unidor Report: Denise Richards

Bongweasel let me in on the fact that Denise Richards has filed for divorce, but then I forgot to copy the link. So now CAd gets all the credit. Sweet, glorious credit.

Oh right, speaking of credit, we gotta give thanks to the man:

Denise Richards, freed by the glorious hands... or gelatanous blobs, of Unidor.

That magical vomit-borne space cowboy rides for us all, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Excluding holidays, of course. I think we need some more strips about his adventures, he’s a fascinating sonuvabitch.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. ON SALE….Unidor Pasties, who would of thought such an item could change the look of a Titty as we know it….It’s so Beautifull, im gonna cry….Now she’s Ultra Hot!

  2. hmmIs that Denise pic from the playboy spread? I didn’t see it in it’s un-Unidored glory in the gallery…

  3. What? No shower scene?I’ve got to wonder why both the Denise Richards and Neve Campbell galleries *DONT* have the champagne threesome scene from ‘Wild Things’ – it’s the crowning moment in both their careers.Rest of the film is pretty good too, but not as good as the fisting in ‘Bound’.

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