Um… That’s A 180, Not A 360

Seems that while I’ve been out doing actual work (I know, it leaves a foul taste in my mouth too) Microsoft was doing some work of their own… by tanking their reputation amongst legacy owners. In an interview with Kikizo, Peter Moore stated that backwards compatibility for the 360 might soon be ditched.

“Nobody is concerned anymore about backwards compatibility. We under promised and over delivered on that. It’s a very complicated thing… very complex work. I’m just stunned that we have hundreds of games that are backwards compatible.”

He added: “more are coming, but at some point, you just go, there’s enough, let’s move on, or people aren’t as worried about a game being backwards compatible – and I like to think we’ve upheld our end of the bargain in making at least two or maybe three hundred games backwards compat.”

As you can imagine, the backlash in the gaming community was received about as well as Tom Leykis at a NOW fundraiser. The outcry was loud and abusive, with seemingly no word to the contrary from the big M. Thankfully, if this story is to be believed, Peter Moore is a fucking idiot:

The entry on the blog said an update was due soon that would add another dozen titles to the roster of those that can already be played on the Xbox 360.

More than 200 Xbox games can be played on the next-generation console. “But rest assured, we’re not done yet,” it added.

The blog entry said too many people cared about backwards compatibility to halt work on the development programme to move old games to the new console.

I read a lot of comments from different users, more than likely a bunch of 12-year-olds with daddy’s credit card, who seemed to think that backwards compatibility is a non-issue. I saw a lot of “who cares” and “why bother” and “you’re a bunch of crybabies” being shouted (in text form) to the masses complaining over the controversial move. It is quite tragic that most of these morons are ill informed to the fact that their opinion does not necessarily reflect everyone else’s opinions. And the fact of the matter is, backwards compatibility has become a huge selling point for game systems since the PS2 and GBA popularized the trend. Families who cannot afford to drop $400 on an Xbox 360, plus the additional hundreds of dollars for games and accessories, are quite relieved to hear that their children will still be able to play older, popular games on the system. And in case you snot nosed little pricks didn’t know, parents are one of the biggest demographics when it comes to these consoles.

I kind of miss the old days, when the web was filled with “internet tough guys” and dudes posing as women. Kids these days seem about as smart as a Pauly Shore comedy.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. You said it…Sharkey said \”… I kind of miss the old days, when the web was filled with \”internet tough guys\” and dudes posing as women. Kids these days seem about as smart as a Pauly Shore comedy.\”Fuckin’ A…

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