Uh… OK

So the site is back, I guess. This ancient PERL business has got to go. The new BAMF homegrown system should be in gear soon, since I started rushing my ass off to finish it just so you poor bastards could have tits n’ funny.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. *ahem*This is why you should be using ASP or CFM! What the heck were you thinking using PERL? Geez, some people!*cough*

  2. perl is goodColdFusion and ASP are pure shit compared to Perl, Python, or PHP. One hung API and you’re fucked. What’s your beef with Perl?

  3. HehI’m guessing his scripts are a hacked jumble considering they’re probably the same basic scripts he’s been using since the site launched. =)

  4. GeneScrew convetional methods. Write your own web server in C and replace all your crappy perl/php/anything scripts with good old programs written in C.

  5. Screw thatScrew all the above-mentioned languages. Write everything in assembly. EVEN BETTER! Use vacuum tubes and punch cards to build your web server and apps. That’s the only way you’ll ever truly be elite.All of you championing one language over another without knowing what is required are fools. You pick the one that gets the job done. They all have there place.

  6. UhWrong JR, you should know better of you knew anything. I’ve used all of the above languages for full scaled database implementation. ASP and Cfusion are absolutely unacceptable, PHP is getting to be more reliable. My company uses Java because when you are talking about full integration of multiple platform applications, it gets the job done the best and most scalable.

  7. yeahPure rhetoric. It’d be nice if you could back that up with some numbers or facts.You missed the point of my comment, anyway. I didn’t say every language in the world is equally easy to develop in or fast when doing database-driven applications. I spoke much more generally, saying that each language mentioned has it’s place here. A lot of factors come into place in debates like this, and my comment was meant to rebut those who come in and just say \”So-and-so language SUCKS! Use the one I use, it’s the best for everything!\”

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