TV Junk

While I’m out watching Reloaded tonight, I’m going to miss all of the gloriously abhorrent shit that the WB has to offer. Normally this pleases the Sharkey, but tonight something very special is going to happen. Someone is going to die on Dawson’s Creek, and then they are going to end the show. I’m sure you’ve heard about this already, so this probably comes as no surprise. And I also have no doubt that whomever the future cadeaver may be, they will die a wholly unsatisfying death. But for now, I’d like to have everyone’s bets on who they think will bite the big one, and how. This is my fantasy, live it, bitch:

Tuesdays coming, did you bring your coat?

No disrespect to Mox or anything, but I’d personally like to see the series end with the horrible mutilation of it’s namesake. That, or the chubby blonde chick. The whole reason I never made it past the first episode of that show boils down to her. How anyone could pick her over Katie Holmes is a mystery to me. So I say shove ’em both into the wood chipper, and have Katie set their ashes (or chunks) to sea. …at a nude beach.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. it is going to be unsatisfyingi havent seen the episode yet (i guess i’ll have to wait at least 2 months) but my money is on the gay one (jack?)

  2. Who Watches this Crap?Dawson’s Creek? I have better things to do with my time like knitting and downloading picts of farm animals……Besides, i believe its proper to insert the head first into the chipper-shreader just like they did on Fargo, that way you get the pleasure of jamming the leg bone half way down.

  3. happy is meit doesnt matter to me who dies. maybe they all will go to a slaughter house on a field trip and fall into the grinder.

  4. Tv CrapSpeaking of TV Junk, has anyone seen those new commercials with the little kid and the white dork rapping with their ipods on? Supposedly they suggest we pay 99ยข per song to acquire mp3s from them. Nothing makes me want to log into and pay for mp3s because I saw some white geek doing his rendition of \”I Like Big Butts\” and contorting like an epileptic on crack. Fuck that shit. I can get both of those crappy songs for free, and so can anyone else with half a brain. Gawd Damn. Another reason to shoot your TV.

  5. Dead, dead, deadSharkey, you’ll be happy to know that it’s the chubby blonde chick that bites it. GF was flipping channels last night and it was apparently on one channel early, she got all upset…..I laughed and expressed my dissappointment that it wasn’t the Creek that bought it.

  6. dead againchubby blonde chick.. you guys have a warped sense of what overweight..i bet you’re a fat ass then too

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