Turn On Off The Fun

[ Best Buy Fucking Hates You ] – Are you an “Angel Customer” or a “Demon Customer?” And which one are you going to be after reading this?

So much for the customer always being right.

Some retailers are deciding that the customer can be very, very wrong — as in unprofitable. And some, including Best Buy Co. Inc., are discriminating between profitable customers and shoppers they lose money on.

“What we’re trying to do is not eliminate those customers, but just diminish the number of offers we make to them,” Anderson said.

Wow. That’s a lot of bluster for a company that usually has higher prices than their competitors. Especially on DVDs, the bastards. My heart might bleed the tiniest bit for them, if they didn’t treat me like a dick every fucking time I visit one of their stores. The salespeople are condescending, they never have enough open registers, and the fucking door people who check the receipts can be downright vicious.

I think that consultant is going to be fired, btw. Nobody within the corporate brass of Best Buy is going to want a Nazi like that representing the company to a newspaper. They like to keep their Nazis posted at the doors, or held safely in the office behind a bunch of PR experts like everybody else.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I saw this article a long time ago, I can see how it’s a good idea for stores to do this.

  2. I saw this article a long time ago, I can see how it’s a good idea for stores to do this.

  3. umm…Isn’t it the consumer’s job to try to save money? [quote]Then there are those customers that are just evil customers … fundamentally they’re out to cheat us[/quote]How is what the customers are doing any different from the company’s practices?I don’t really see how it’s really possible to extort massive amounts of money from these places. Even the people who do out fox the stores can’t be doing so enough to put these companies in the red. Maybe they should try to change some of their other polices in order to make money instead of trying to further shaft their customers.

  4. Take down Mart*WalI love our Best Buys here in PA — always plenty of registers, nice people, and the stuff is dirt cheap compared to every other store around. Oh and they don’t censor their merchandise and also give a pretty good variety. Dunno… I guess once you leave PA, it gets pretty bad? Personally, I say they take down Wal*Mart. How I hate them…

  5. Hmm…Here in Nebraska, Best Buy has usually the lowest price stuff around, and is willing to price match. Only problem I’ve had is that I bought a 3rd Party Gamecube controller, and it was broken. Took it back, got a different 3rd Party controller, and it too was broken. Exchanged it one more time and the 3rd one didn’t work either. (Different problem with each. One you couldn’t go left or right, another was in permanent \”up\” mode, and another just didn’t work at all.) I ended up just having them put the money back on my credit card.It’s the only problem I’ve ever had with Best Buy in the 7 years I’ve been shopping there, but I can see them doing shit like this. While I was in line trying to return my controller for the 3rd time, some lady was trying to return something she had cut off the UPC for and sent in the rebate. She got mad that they were charging her a \”restocking fee\” for the amount of the rebate she sent in for. I fucking hate people like that, especially when I have to wait in line behind them.

  6. DVD PricesActually, here in Ohio, Best Buy usually has the best prices. Its the cursed Media Play that overprices things by like 50%.

  7. Best BuyNah don’t work for em; but I spend enough time there buying CDs and demonstrating my sucky abilities at keyboard for everyone nearby.

  8. best buy up my assthey’d be alright if maybe the employees didn’t ask me if i needed help every five minutes…the same employee. and if they didn’t have a greeter at the door, as though anyone would take anything they say to heart when they’re paid to say it. but atleast it’s not as depressing as the mentally retarded wal-mart greeters

  9. fuck best buyThat’s it, I’m going to get two copies of the sunday best buy circular. One to shit on and one to wipe my ass. fuck best buy, i’m shopping at that other douchebag store from now on…fry’s. fuck best buy in the mouth cunt and ass!

  10. the irony is palpablehobo above making fun of guy above him, WHILST posting under the alias \”gotenks\”thanks for your words of wisdom, oh great 14 yearold….

  11. commentnever had a problem w/ best buy here in florida, plenty of registers and the employees answer my questions. they have the best prices on dvd’s, especially their 2 for 1 type deals. the cd’s are the cheapest for major stores, so if you dont know the local cd shops you need to go to best buy. they have shit pc game selection and prics, so i just stick to dvd’s when im there

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