Try Stealing A Playstation 2 Sometime, Fuckwits

[ Burglars Foiled By Grand Theft Auto ] – Wow. If only this had resulted in a dead robber, they would have just barely squeaked in as this year’s Darwin Awards winner.

Back in March, Sandy Wilson was taking care of her three grandsons when a group of men attempted to burglarize her home, pointing a gun at the kids.

The children happened to be playing a video game called Grand Theft Auto at the time. The game has dozens of random police scanner messages, which blare out calls such as “This is the police! You’re surrounded!” Believe it or not, Wilson says the burglars heard that message and thought police were outside the door waiting for them.

Good thing the kid playing wasn’t in San Fierro at the time. All the cops there say some interestingly queer things to you.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. RetardsWhat ever happened to the theives that actually had brains. I mean it used to be that a theif atually ha some cred, but now we always read about that dumbass that freaks out cause of simple things like video games. those people must not be mofos

  2. Bugs BunnyDidn’t this happen in an episode of Bugs Bunny when the mafia guys were trying to kidnap Bugs and he played a police show on the radio and they thought it was outside…can’t believe it actually worked on these dipshits.

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